Fluval Edge - 46 Litre Advice


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Hi there I am thinking of buying a Fluval Edge - 46 litre, I have a couple of questions if you don't mind:

1. Is the filter man enough for the job as it's the same as the smaller version.
2. What type of fish can I keep in it and how many.

All advice is appreciated.


The filter is a really good little HOB filter :) perfectly capable of managing th size of tank, plus you can add biomedia/sponge/phospate removing pouches/whatever you need to it. Evolution Aqua's Pure is a great addition, boosts the filter and helps keep tank extra clear and the fit perfectly on the left side of the filter :)

As for fish... bear in mind you dont want any labyrinth or surface fish really because of the style of the tank and the glass top so close to surface and because of the hob filter pushing water downwards. So no bettas, gouramis, hatchets etc

You also want to stick to really nano fish and shrimps etc, not fast swimming tetras that need a longer tank. Search for KCB's post recently on their Edge tank, some great suggestions there!
Thanks for the reply, can you clarify what you mean with the comment "Evolution Aqua's Pure is a great addition" do I need to upgrade to this or does it come with it (excuse my ignorance)

If I were to go for a group of Neon Tetras roughly what number could I keep in it?

Cheers again,

Its a slow release bacterial supplement! :) (Evollution Aqua 'Pure').

As for neons, I dont know, 6-10 but its best to have a few species, choosing ones that live at bottom and top of the tank to use up all the space, the tank isnt very long so you cant really put large numbers of shoaling fish in there...
Fluval filters are known to be really good! I am filtering my 300gal with one!
Hi there Jimmy! I've recently established a 46L Fluval Edge (see my sig). The filter is very simple and does the job perfectly so no need to worry about that. The only thing I changed is that I removed the carbon and replaced it with some purigen.

As for fish choice, the species I have/will put in my tank are: 6 male Endler guppies, 5 Black Phantom tetras and 5 pygmy corydoras. They are all 1 inch or under except for the tetras so I would advise having fish that are about 1-1.5 inches just so the fish can have plenty of room. Here is a guide on fish that are suitable for a 10 gallon tank (the Edge is nearly 12 gallons but it is a good guide all the same).

Here is a link to my tank journal if you are interested ;). http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/406876-re-scaping-fluval-edge/
I have ember tetra, pygmy cories, cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp in my 46 edge. They all get on well together.
The filter is fine but put some fine mesh over the inlet if keeping shrimp.
Thanks for the replies guys it's very useful.

I am now in two minds as whether to get the Edge or the Aquanano 40, the Aquanano appeals as it,doesn't have the access challenges that the edge has.

Thanks all,

I agree it is a right pain having to work through that little hole, but there are always ways around things and its not enough to put me off the tank, it's still a great model ;).
I own an Edge and an Aquanano 40, and of the two, I'd recommend the Aquanano; it's far easier to work on, and has a much better filtration system, plus a proper, out-of-sight, space for the heater.
Sorry Jimmy I've just realized I didn't post the link about what to stock in a 10 gal, here it is ;). http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/116208-recommendations-for-a-10-gallon/

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