Fluval Chi Journal

It's been a while, but here are some pictures of the tank with the new lights and filter.
Filter works great, has awesome flow, and the protein scum I had was gone in seconds. I seeded the filter with some ceramic rings and filter floss from the 20 gallon. Light is good, thought it would be brighter, but it's better than the chi's original lights.





Here's the driftwood I picked out. I'm siliconing two pieces together to make it look like a tree once I've got moss growing on it. Too hard to put it on right! It was a silicon mess, my hands will always be sticky now! :crazy:
I'm going to the LFS tomorrow to get some plants. I've decided on dwarf hair grass, wendtii crypts, either weeping or flame moss (will be bought online) and maybe maybe maybe and ozelot sword :good:
I think I'm either going to do Blue Pearl or Snowball Shrimp. :good:
I may or may not add a betta in the future, I first want my shrimp population to grow :good:
Blue pearl!

I'm excited to see how things turn out and with all your little shrimps bebopping around...
Got some plants! They didn't have any dwarf hairgrass, but I got a pot of Cryptocoryne lutea and Cryptocoryne wendtii var. "Red"
The plant box is full, and the only other plants will be the DHG around the box and then moss on the driftwood :good:

Pardon the cloudy water, I'm having a bacterial bloom



Also decided I will stick with Blue Pearl Shrimp. Since they will hybridize with the cherries, the cherries will be moved to the 20 gallon. But don't worry, they'll have friends! The same place where I am ordering the Blue Pearls, I am ordering 30 cherry shrimp for the 20 gallon :good:

Also! Stats for the tank

Lighting: 36 LEDs- 3w
Filtration: Marina S10- 55 gph
Substrate: Black silica sand
Average Temperature: 76* F
Nitrogen Levels: 0ppm Ammonia, 0ppm Nitrite, 0ppm Nitrate
Plant Stock: 2 Java Ferns, 5 Crypt Lutea, 3 Crypt Wendtii, 1 Marimo Ball
Livestock: 3 Cherry Shrimp
Fertilizer: Weekly dose of .5ml Seachem Flourish
No, this will be my first purchase from them, but they have good reviews! :good:
Heheheheh, so the online store that sold me "Weeping Moss" got an angry email, and now they're offering to send me free Weeping Moss! :devil: Score! :yahoo:

I feel a little embarassed though....didn't expect them to write back...All other emails I got from them was in bad Engrish...this time, perfect english! :unsure: Ooopsies :blush:
Quick opinion poll guys, the website is offering to either resend the Weeping Moss, or any other plant or product.
What would look better and produce a better "tree" appearance?
Flame Moss? Weeping Moss? Another moss?

Please reply quickly, I need to asnwer the email :good:

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