Fish Addict
If I'm right with my guess of failed impeller shaft, you should only need a new impeller and impeller shaft to get it up and running again. Once it's going, get shot of it (sell it) before it causes you more issuesIf I were you though, I'd take the new Fluval back and swap it for something more reliable, like a Rena, Eheim or Tetratec. In 3 years time you'll probably have a similar issue to this with the replacement unit, as they either die shortly after purchase, or live 3 years then die IME... As many point out, not everyone as issues with Fluvals, but in the Leeds area, the folks that don't have issues with them seem to be a minority...
All the best
Cheers mate
Unfortunately I have already bought and attemted to fit a new impeller and shaft but the same problem exists impeller will not fit into housing unless extreme force is used and then it is so tight it has no chance of spinning at all