Fluval 304


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2008
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I am currently cycling a 96l tank but already want another tank so bought a second hand 4 foot tank from ebay.It has come with a fluval 304 external filter but no instructions and i dont know how or what to fill it with.
Any ideas.... ta
I use filter floss in my 304 in the two bottom baskets and than bio media in the top basket. You can put bio media in the two top basket and some more mechanical filtration in the bottom basket if you wanted too.
i use the filter pads for the compartment where it slides out then for the baskets

bottom = carbon

middle = bio balls

top = media rocks

i tend to have 2 filters running one with carbon one with out so incase of a disease outbreak shut the filter off with carbon

Cheers Dane
Thanks guys
Will have to try to remember this as the tank isnt even cycled yet....
Today I just got my 304 back up and running after I removed it for almost a year to try other filters. I used some silicone on the top cover for the top basket to try to reduce teh bypass in the filter. We'll see how it goes :)

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