Fluval 205 Or 305?

Those are the one's I'd get :good: You'd want the 200W modle ;) (Don't do a 150W that would be just right, so you'll have to run "overpowered")

Come to think of it, I don't know of any other exturnal heater brands, Hydor I thought were the only ones...

All the best
it states on the eheim specs, that the hoses are 12mm/16mm ( does this mean both or one or the other?) is the 100watt inline runs 12mm and the 200 watt 16mm
Last time I checked, the motor head that failed on mine was not a "cheap replacement part". It was about £150. I could buy a whole new replacement Fluval for that money on-line. Mind, what would posess me to do that when it was a noisy, leaky and high-maintanance thing from day one? IMO, for £80, the cheaper Tetratec's, silmilarly priced Rena's and Eheim Classics are all far better :good: There is nothing wrong with a Fluval if you can make do with constant wet carpets, loud noise, weekly cleans on a tank that any other filter can run for 6 months without attention and constant battles to get the s?# to prime :good: Before anyone asks, no this wasn't my first exturnal filter (that was an Eheim Ecco) and no, I haven't had this type of trouble with any other filter I've ran (Tetratec, Eheim Ecco, Rena and recently helped a friend maintain a Classic Eheim). This said, the Ecco did have a habbit of concking out just after the last warrenty repair/replacment...

All the best
Bear in mind that your fluval was an 04 model, not an 05.

Also, yours was second hand.
i had a new one at is was aweful, got a TT and its soo much better. i think it will be challenging eheim in a year or so and plus its 2/3 to 1/2 of the price of the equivalent eheim models. TT have recently got very good with their customer service. another point is the clear pipes look less obvious the the green ones of eheim filters.
12mm/16mm means that the hoses have an internal diameter of 12mm and an exturnal one of 16mm. You should still be able to get two modles of 200W in-lines, one with 12mm connection, the other 16mm... The 100W modle would leave you underpowered, which is perhapse the worse of the two evils unless its a realy warm room...

Whichever modle you choose, if the hoses are 12mm internal diameter, you want the 12mm version of that heater :good:

All the best
now i have the heater and filter ( for the mean time, might go TT 1200 for clear pipes ) chosen,

its the lilly pipes bothering me :rolleyes:

do i need 12 mm or 16 mm? are they measured for the internal size of the pipe?
The Tetratec EX 1200 uses the larger 16mm ID pipes ;)

What Eheim are you looking at? You are matching the size of the internal diameter (ID) of the pipes with the heater pipe-size rateing

All the best
I would expect so, but I don't use lillies, so can't say for shure. You may want some with a larger diameter, as it needs to be a tight fit to prevent the pipes sliding off. The Hydors are cleverly designed to prevent pipes sliding off one you tighten the nuts :good: It may well depend on the lillies you are going to use...

A quick Google search tells me that the 2026 uses pipes of ID 16mm... This is from a forum post that I've found though, so don't take it as the truth without asking wherever you plan to buy your filter from :good:

All the best
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
i think this is becoming designer WAR with ex filters,
who got what to out beat the next person :rolleyes:
so even if its cheap and it works for you great SAY so :good:
just so we can get to know what works out there :good:
every body cant just have ,(speaks in a low voice) ehiem or fluvel.

yours a frustrated ex filter buyer
how do lily pipes fit onto the filter pipes do they slide on and hold in place with a grub screw? ive looked into it on google, but cant find anything
With plumbing fittings, you get the ridged pipe's OD to be larger than the flexibles ID. You heat up the flexible and you puch it over the ridged with brute force. After that, you secure with a jubilee clip usualy, but in low-pressure applications, you cna get away without :good:

I have used Eheim Eccos, Fluvals, tetratec's and Renas. The latter two are good filters, the Fluval diabolical for reliability and the Ecco range is no better IME

All the best

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