im going to get a pro 2 without heater, can you reccomend any decent inline heaters? ive been looking at the hydor ones
i had a new one at is was aweful, got a TT and its soo much better. i think it will be challenging eheim in a year or so and plus its 2/3 to 1/2 of the price of the equivalent eheim models. TT have recently got very good with their customer service. another point is the clear pipes look less obvious the the green ones of eheim filters.Bear in mind that your fluval was an 04 model, not an 05.Last time I checked, the motor head that failed on mine was not a "cheap replacement part". It was about £150. I could buy a whole new replacement Fluval for that money on-line. Mind, what would posess me to do that when it was a noisy, leaky and high-maintanance thing from day one? IMO, for £80, the cheaper Tetratec's, silmilarly priced Rena's and Eheim Classics are all far betterThere is nothing wrong with a Fluval if you can make do with constant wet carpets, loud noise, weekly cleans on a tank that any other filter can run for 6 months without attention and constant battles to get the s?# to prime
Before anyone asks, no this wasn't my first exturnal filter (that was an Eheim Ecco) and no, I haven't had this type of trouble with any other filter I've ran (Tetratec, Eheim Ecco, Rena and recently helped a friend maintain a Classic Eheim). This said, the Ecco did have a habbit of concking out just after the last warrenty repair/replacment...
All the best
Also, yours was second hand.