Last time I checked, the motor head that failed on mine was not a "cheap replacement part". It was about £150. I could buy a whole new replacement Fluval for that money on-line. Mind, what would posess me to do that when it was a noisy, leaky and high-maintanance thing from day one? IMO, for £80, the cheaper Tetratec's, silmilarly priced Rena's and Eheim Classics are all far better

There is nothing wrong with a Fluval if you can make do with constant wet carpets, loud noise, weekly cleans on a tank that any other filter can run for 6 months without attention and constant battles to get the s?# to prime

Before anyone asks, no this wasn't my first exturnal filter (that was an Eheim Ecco) and no, I haven't had this type of trouble with any other filter I've ran (Tetratec, Eheim Ecco, Rena and recently helped a friend maintain a Classic Eheim). This said, the Ecco did have a habbit of concking out just after the last warrenty repair/replacment...
All the best