Fluttering angelfish


New Member
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC
I bought 4 angelfish yesterday and today I've noticed that they are acting quite strange. They was swim about, look for food, then all of a sudden stop and shake their bodies about really quickyl, then just go right back to exploring the tank.

Do they have itch? They are not rubbing themselves against anything and they don't have white spots on them.

Anyone have any ideas?

btw, I didn't know which class angel fish go in.
Angels belongs to new world cichlids, And yes it is a cichlid and is closely related to Discus :D . It might be that they are just getting use to their new home, just watch them closely, when they start to stay in a corner and not swim around then there's definetely a problem....
Mine do that once in a while, like when I add a new fish or sometimes when they are mad at each other.

I wouldn't worry as of yet!!

Yes a 50L tank may be too small!

I have read on this forum that angel fish get quite big, but I really wanted them, so I got baby ones (not even a inch big yet) and I'm fully prepared to upgrade them to a bigger tank when they get too big. Already planning my 4th tank.
50 litre is way to small! maybe re-arrange your 180, and put them in there?
I'm thinking of getting one of those tall and skinny hexagon tanks for the angels. I'll give myself 6 months. They should be getting too big for the 50L by then, so I'll move them to their new home.

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