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Mar 5, 2007
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Well right now I have a 150 gallon fish tank and a 240 gallon fish tank.....I was wondering how many flowerhorns can go into the 150 gallon? Since the 240 gallon fish tank is hold 4 Silver Arowana which they are all 18" and a Black Jardini that is only 11".I have a 400 gallon too but is cycling and has been cycling for a well over a 6 weeks without any fish in them.The 150 gallon has been used before for growing the arowanas but now it is all empty and I wanted to put some flowerhorns in them.This one guy who lives across from my house is selling some young ones which are about 3" and he has about 10 of them from the adults that had been bred.I told him to same all of them first.And I am asking how many can i hold in the 150.He is selling them all for only $10 and so it is $1 for 1 flowerhorn. =D Thanks For Your Help
Flowerhorns get to about 10-13", somewhere in that range... in a 150gallon tank I'd say keep 5 max at the Juvi size, once they get larger use the 240 you have, I hope the arowanas are going to the 400gallon tank after...
Flowerhorns get to about 10-13", somewhere in that range... in a 150gallon tank I'd say keep 5 max at the Juvi size, once they get larger use the 240 you have, I hope the arowanas are going to the 400gallon tank after...
yup they will im planning in putting them tomorrow morning and get the flowerhorns and just put them into the 240.by the way what should i put into my 150 i have lots of other tanks but they are all 90 gallons and a 125 gallon and i have a Payara thats only 2" in a 90 gallons to itself.A 11" Fire Eel and 2 7" siamese tiger datnoids in a 90 gallon to them selfs.And a pair of convicts at 3" in a 90 gallon fish tank for them couples.And the 8" Fahaka puffer in the 125 gallon fish tank to itself.Yup I know I have alot of fish tank.----1x125 gallon----1x150 gallon----1x240 gallon----1x400 gallon----3x90 gallon so these are all my tanks i have at my house =D Every single tank has a Fx5 canister filter and each of the 90 gallon has them and a 100 filter that has a bio wheel and 2 Fx5 for the 400 gallon fish tank so all of them has a very efficient filtration system!
when raising Fh in a community tank.. its all bout their aggressions.. not all flowerhorn act the same.. some are more docile then others..

but i do learn that with FH.. it is easier to raise them in the same tank when frys and having plenty of room for territorial needs.

also best too to leave or create hiding spots for the vulnerable.. good luck :good: let us know what happens

ooh one per tank is good for masterpieces..for you want no damages to him or her :rolleyes:

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