Flowerhorn And Tiger Oscars?

Both are aggressive fish and it will probably end up in a bloodbath. I wouldn't recommend it unless the tank is of a considerable size.
just wandering if this is possable or will they both tear each other apart????

uMh..thEres a very big possibility that the oscar and the flowerhorn wud surely kill each other..
but it sure is worth to try..
..maybe you'll come up with a new breed..
I would say Flower Horn / Oscar mixed tank = dead Oscar

Flower Horns are verry aggressive and can do a lot of damage,
they are just like a red devil!
Oscars are stand off'ish fish but when it comes down to it they
are as said all bark.
Absolutely not - you don't have a big enough tank.
PS Your spelling is atrocious
just wandering if this is possable or will they both tear each other apart????
I kept a flowerhorn and a tiger oscar in a 110 GAL peacefully for about 5 years. until the oscar died of a fungal infection.

They did grow up together though.
My old large male Oscar (14") not only killed his same sized mate but 2 large blood parrots but also a 10" jag.

Dont underestimate Oscars,this one would of taken my hand off if his mouth was big enough.

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