Floating plants


Passionate about fish and their care
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Oct 9, 2019
Reaction score
Getting rid of most of my floaters before my trip from my remaining tanks. Anyone in the US to PM me can have some for free, just pay shipping. Must PM within 2 hours as i leave early in the morning

Salvinia minima, salvinia natans and drawf water lettuce

I have shipped plants before and know how to. They are snail free
My parents will feed them.
Oh ok. That's good to hear. Have they done it before? They know not to dump the whole container of food in right? 😅. I have heard of people trusting a friend to feed their fish for a week and then they just dump in the WHOLE container
Update: offer is gone its too late tonight and leaving in the morning
Where you going on your holiday?
We want pictures :)

Have a safe and enjoyable trip :)

and if @Crispii knows where you live, he will take care of peanut betta for you :)
Where you going on your holiday?
We want pictures :)

Have a safe and enjoyable trip :)

and if @Crispii knows where you live, he will take care of peanut betta for you :)
He lives on the other side of the country. Im going to be working at a summer camp for 3 months! Will definitely post pictures

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