Flicking Against Rocks


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2011
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I have noticed that a few of the new fish i got in the past week are flicking against some of the rocks. I figure that it might be the beginning of ich. i have medication which i used before. It is called "APpro QuICK Cure" and it "effectively treats ick, mild fluke outbreaks, gasping for air, flicking against rocks, protozoan parasites, chilodenlla, and trichodina.


I know i have to remove the carbon from the filter when using this product. My filter is an AquaClear 20 power filter with a biomax insert that sits on top of the carbon.
Do i remove the Biomax filter as well as the carbon?????

Thanks in advance.
I wouldn`t advise using any meds unless you can see definite signs of ich/whitespot :no:

How long has your tank been running, is it fully cycled and what are the test results of your water please?
can you not replace the carbon bag with more bio max? it would benefit the tank alot more in the long run aswel as carbon only really serves to remove medication and water stains like tannins and it gets used up really fast :/
I keep the PH very close to 7. I dont have an ammonia or hard water test kit at the moment. Tank is cycled. I used 6 tetras to cycle the tank. One of the black tetras i used had a white spot on his dorsal fin. I medicated and it went away. got rid of the tetras recently and added some more fish and some have been flicking against the rocks, not all of them, and not all the time. I just did a water change today and it is still going on. Should i keep my eyes on it a couple of more days before i do anything? I don't want to wait too long and have something bad happen. There are no physical signs of ick at the moment. the flicking fish are 1 male dwarf gourami, one female cherry barb, 2 male yellow barbs, one neon tetra, and one male swordtail. Not all fish are flicking, my corys, other neons, and other gourami and female swordtail are fine.
How old is the tank? If you don't have a test kit, how do you know the tank is cycled? If you cycle the tank with a fish in cycle, everytime you add more fish you then need to keep cycling so the filter catches up with the addition of new fish.

If you cycled with 6, then added 20 for example, you're filter wouldn't be able to cope.

If you cycle fishless, you add the amount of ammonia you would take for your max stocking thus having a ready filter.

You're fish may not have ich, but have have ammonia poisoning.

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