Flash Pleco


What works for one may not work for another!
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Hi there does anyone have any info on the Flash Pleco, i have been on the planetcatfish website, but wanted to know if any of you guys had any experience with them, size, temp, diet and so on
diet is wood and veg, protein should be a very ocasional treat.

i had one and it was an evil bastard
Should be ok then if its the only pleco in a tank
Are the flash plecs from the vampire plec family?
Mine is an absolute sweety. Have had him for a year or so & has never been confrontational to anything else(in a 70G community tank). For the first 6 months or so, lived completely off the bogwood, but now snacks on the odd algae tablet or a bit of cucumber. He is now the proud uncle to my tiny Zebra plec (about 1 1/2 inches) who follows him around the tank like a puppy.

They are beautiful plecs, quite happy to stay at the front of the tank & be very visible. After a year, mine is now about 4 inches, can't see him getting too much bigger.
I had 3 but sadly lost them fairly recently to a savage bacterial infection :(

My adult was a beautiful, visible and active fish and I would definitely get more when I can. IMO a 70l would have been on the small side for her (she was about 5" plus a bit more for her lyre tail and pretty beefy)

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