wow, not what i was expecting...i agree that the stronger meds seem to be long as she isn't really poorly looking, the salt baths shouldn't stress her out too much for the shorter duration
I know abstract but the thing is she's still eating - still swimming - no rubbing or flicking - no rapid gill movements or erratic body movements - just the clamped fins and weird stuff
Will report back tomorrow evening.
I've only just caught this thread. Your poor girl looks awful
I've had this in one of my male divided tanks before. I only noticed it on the choc SD as obviously he's very dark, but on looking closely the other males also had it. I added Aquarium Doctor APC (anti parasite treatment) and it cleared up in a couple of days and hasn't returned. I did also added aqua tonic salt to the water.
WoW guys - some good news - uh I'll say touch wood at the same time - as we're not out of the woods quite yet ! BUT.......look at this pic today. See any difference ? No white "stuff"
However as you will notice there is a bit of white fluff hanging (or floating upwards) from a small piece on the lower fin which indicates a secondary infection - but not really actual fin rot as I originally thought - just some freyed fins but I'll put that down to severe stress ? and think that should now heal up pretty well. I'll just remove this piece of fluff lightly with my fingers - would this be ok ?
So do you guys think it's the right thing if I give her a small 10 minute salt bath now and then back again in her (clean and new mixture solution as per instruction of Interpet) water ?
bloozoo2 she looks loads better!i would mabe give her a salt bath every day for the next few days to make sure the infection has gone and help those fins
good luck!
The frayed fins could also be where the parasites were eating away at her. I swear, the pic you posted yesterday made me fear the worst But look at her now!!!
The salt bath sounds good,provided she is used to them by now and ten minutes won't stress her.
she's lookin great, congrats bloozoo...i would give her 2 or 3 salt baths each day for 10 minutes for the next 3 then she will def. be on her way to full recovery if not already recovered fully
i was relieved to see this picture to say the least
Okiedokie - in some directlion we are making definite progress.
The parasite (that must have been what they were ) have gone now, BUT I'm sitting with a little bit of fungus developing along the base of the tail and her tail is looking more frayed than yesterday
Should I stop the Parasite meds now (I think it's quite harsh) and just continue to keep her in isolation ?
Or should I now switch over to fungus meds ?
Or just continue the salt baths ?
She definitely better in herself and swimming around etc. and alert - but not eating much at the mo - perhaps the meds is making her feel queasy ?
Definitely keep her in a hospital tank until she is completely well. I would continue the salt baths and take her off of the bacterial meds, and maybe add the fungus meds(from the picture, it would probably be best). She is looking better! Keep up the good work!
I'm not liking the look of her fins.
get a bacterial finrot cure, just to cover all bases.
ok, just looked back and its 1 teaspoon, not that bad then. But still i wouldve said 1.5 to a gallon for ten minutes. I still think though that she has bacterial fin rot that needs treating.
Salt the tank to .1% and add the meds unless it says not to add salt.
This morning I went to give her her bath and she was no longer
I think it's my mistake......
I gave her a 5 minute salt dip last night and decided to switch her over (afterwards) to a very diluted anti-fungus/fin rot solution. She looked absolutely fine for the couple of hours afterwards and she was fine even when I went to bed. But perhaps it was too much too soon and the change of meds was too much for her - I feel awful