Tank Size 240L
Substrate - Sand
TPN+/Easy Carbo - Rootabs
Heres how it looked initially
After decided I could bear the resin U-boat and the cluttered random plantings no more I cracked and bought some new wood and plants
3 x Cryptocoryne Mi Oya
2 x Echinodorus bleheri (Had these already)
1 x Echinodorus uruguayensis
1 x Echinodorus rose
50x Dwarf Sag (not here yet)
1 x Microsorum pteropus (Used my motherplant and at Ianho's suggestion mounted it onto the redmoor )
2 x Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow'
1 x Anubias barteri var nana (bought from forum member AaronNorth)
1 x Anubias barteri var angustifolia
2 x Cryptocoryne petchii (not here yet)
2 x Cryptocoryne willisii
After planting everything that arrived I got to this point
After a conversation with Ianho who gave me a couple of great suggestions I moved the Java Fern mother plant onto the redwood and altered its placement a little which gave me this
The Dwarf Sag carpet still has to be done (when it finally arrives) as does the flame moss covering of the left hand bogwood piece and the 2 petchii need to be planted (again when they arrive)
The only casualty appears to be the Enchinodorus 'Rose' which is trying to top my quickest plant death record assuming it doesnt bounce back any and all suggestions of a replacement to go along side the 2 Swords the 4 mi oyo and the Eruguayensis would be most welcome.
Substrate - Sand
TPN+/Easy Carbo - Rootabs
Heres how it looked initially
After decided I could bear the resin U-boat and the cluttered random plantings no more I cracked and bought some new wood and plants
3 x Cryptocoryne Mi Oya
2 x Echinodorus bleheri (Had these already)
1 x Echinodorus uruguayensis
1 x Echinodorus rose
50x Dwarf Sag (not here yet)
1 x Microsorum pteropus (Used my motherplant and at Ianho's suggestion mounted it onto the redmoor )
2 x Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow'
1 x Anubias barteri var nana (bought from forum member AaronNorth)
1 x Anubias barteri var angustifolia
2 x Cryptocoryne petchii (not here yet)
2 x Cryptocoryne willisii
After planting everything that arrived I got to this point
After a conversation with Ianho who gave me a couple of great suggestions I moved the Java Fern mother plant onto the redwood and altered its placement a little which gave me this
The Dwarf Sag carpet still has to be done (when it finally arrives) as does the flame moss covering of the left hand bogwood piece and the 2 petchii need to be planted (again when they arrive)
The only casualty appears to be the Enchinodorus 'Rose' which is trying to top my quickest plant death record assuming it doesnt bounce back any and all suggestions of a replacement to go along side the 2 Swords the 4 mi oyo and the Eruguayensis would be most welcome.