Fishy Jokes


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Near Glasgow, Scotland
Two parrots standing on a perch... one turns to the other and says " something smells fishy around here"
There's going to be another big flood so God speaks down to Noah and says "Noah i want you to build me another ark, but this time i want it to be twenty-five levels high" so, off Noah Noah goes and builds a 25 Level ark. On completion Noah shouts up to God "Thats me done God... do you want me to start getting two of every animal now???" God replies "No Noah this time i want you to fill it with fish... more specifically Carp..." Noah obviously puzzled asks "why god?" ... God Laughs and says " Because i've always wanted a 'Multi-story-carp-ark!!!!'
lol, took me a while too, but the first one is because a perch is also a type of fish.
Although Alan, im a bit disturbed by your Avatar.. Could ya possibly change it to somethin nicer :):p

lol - thats a different style of Avatar choice :D

And the jokes are good - but it took me a while also to work out the first one :p
Well if it's bad (and old) jokes you want:

Two fish in a tank, one says "I'll drive, you man the guns" :rolleyes:

Arfie ;)

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