Fishroom update

Could I become a member of your club? Or do I have to actually live in Texas to become a member :/ Ive been to Texas and I have a few relative there if that somethin like a requirement to become a member. Umm...Is there a website for your club? would really like to join. I dont think that the clubs in NY will work; ive looked around at thier "stuff" and it seems..well..not prime for the situation that im in atm...

EDIT: What is Grindles?
Also Wuv,
Do you have any microworm cultures that you could send to me for my future betta babies?
Wow! Nice fishroom you've got there!!

Greetings from the Netherlands,

wuvmybetta said:
oops,I'll get back and answer those replies in just a bit.

Thanks Joep,that's a major compliment coming from you :)
Don't mention it :D.... I always like to see how other colleque breeders have build their set-up and fish room. This way you can easily new approaches and ideas :D which can be very usefull.

About the red DT, I would breed him in F2 to an ST sister. And off course you run the risk of torn fins but than think about the nice red marble youngsters you will get :D :D.

Good luck,

Hey wuv,
Since i'm going to breed some bettas soon (I need some crowntails :X ) I was wondering if you could list the things in your betta room just so while im breeding the bettas I dont find out last minute, "OH CRAP I FORGOT SOMETHING", kiinda thing. Thanks :fun:
thats a big setup kell, but what do you do with so many bettas? do you sell the fry as well?

AND WHERE IS THE MIDAS???????????????? i was looking for his tank :(
Wow! Those albinos are gorgeous... gotta get my hands on one of those.

I'd post a picture of my betta bowl set up... but they're kinda... well everywhere.

They're on my night stand, on my dresser, on my book shelves, on my desk, on the book rack above my desk, on a folding table, on a file cabinet etc. etc. etc.
Hey,I hear ya. You should see my bedroom :rolleyes: That's VT central. I have dozens stashed away in there :rolleyes:
mmkay,I cleaned this up because I somehow hijacked my very own thread!! If anybody is interested in the conversation that was going on,PM me. :D

Thank you,mfa!!
Nice and tidy set up, I bet that keeps you busy cleaning all them bowls, and tanks.

My bedroom has slowly gained occupants within the last three months or so. Glad I don't own a home - I would be in trouble.

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