
Fish Fanatic
May 26, 2004
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Warren, Michigan
It has been 10 days since I started fishless cycling my aquarium. The ammonia level is holding at 5ppm, and the nitrite is holding at 0ppm.
Does anyone have any advise?
I've been told by someone at the LFS to stop adding ammonia to allow the level to drop, then do a 50% water change, then put a couple of hardy fish in the tank.

Another question that I have is,
I've got an undergravel filter.

How do I make my water changes without backing the water up into my pump? I've got 3 air supply tube. I'm sure that when I do my water changes I will be exposing those airtubes.

Should I unplug the supply line from the pump to the tops of the tubes, before I unplug the pump, in order to avoid water backup?
Be patient, it will spike soon, it can take up to a few weeks for the nitrite to spike. I would ignore the LFS, they just want to sell fish, and they usually know nothing about fishless cycling and will claim it doesn't work. It does, i've done it 3 times now.

I don't know about the undergravel filter, i haven't used one since i was a kid.
Do you think that maybe I should put in a couple of java ferns, to help out the cycling process?

My water is a little cloudy too.
Once the cycling process is finished, do you think the water will clear up?
Plants can help a bit but don't expect miracles. :p Yes, the cloudiness should clear up around the time the cycle finishes establishing.
Are you adding ammonia daily or did you just add it at the begining? If you are adding it daily and the ppm isn't changing then I have to wonder where it is going?! I also have to wonder where the LFS person thinks the ammonia will go without a complete water change or allowing the cycle to finish...

Did you seed the tank at all? I think the cycle will take a long time to start/be visible in an unseeded tank, but it will get there in the end.

Hang in there.
Try adding the nutrafin 'cycle' stuff or similar to kick it off - I didn't believe it worked but when I added the correct dose in week 2 it really seemed to start things along nicely. Could just be a coincidence but if you're impatient - its cheap so why not give it a try.

Also check you are doing your nitrite test correctly :)

aj xx
Yes, I am adding 4 teaspoons of ammonia per day to the tank water.
According to the nitrite test directions, I add 5 drops of nitrite test solution to 5ml of tank water, shake the tube for about 10 seconds, then let it sit for 5 minutes before comparing the color of the water to the nitrite color chart.

I did not seed the tank. That is why I am wondering if I should buy a couple of java ferns from my LFS?

Thank you for all of your advise.
So if you're adding 4 tsps ammonia per day, why aren't the ppm for ammonia increasing then?! If it is not being converted to nitrite then it should be getting increasingly concentrated... If 4 tsps gives you 5ppm reading then 8 tsps would give 10ppm and so on, meaning you should be on about 50ppm reading by now (10x4 tsps worth)... Just sounds a bit odd to me...

If you try using plants then make sure you get the ones in little baskets as the bacteria are contained around their root. I have to agree with the previous poster that a couple of plants wouldn't make much difference, but anything is worth a go!
So what do you suggest I do?

When I first put the water in the tank, I started adding ammonia a little bit at a time until the ammonia level was at 5ppm. Approximately. So, once I found that out, I started adding that amount to the water every day, and testing the ammonia level and nitrite level both before and after I added the 4 teaspoons of ammonia to the water.
Today will be the 10th day since I started fishless cycling.

I might be reaching, but, does it matter what time of day I add the ammonia to the water? Currently, I am testing and adding the ammonia at 9:00pm.

Do you think that I should replace all of the water and start over again?

I started fishless cycling my 75 gallon tank on May 27th and I STILL do not have a nitrite spike nor are there any nitrates. The test kit is good as I use it on my other tank.

I added amonia from the beginning without seeding. The amonia read 6ppm as I put in a bit too much. I have cut the dosage a bit trying for 5ppm, but the amonia level has maintained at 6ppm. I added bacteria starter a week ago, then added a sponge from my other tank and just added more bacteria starter last night. I continue to add amonia every day.

I figure it has to eventually cycle, right? :huh:

I guess patience is the answer.

Just a question, why do some folks start over?
Noooo don't start over! You are doing everything right, just be patient. Maybe confirm your nitrite test to make sure it isn't bad, sometimes even the new ones are.
Should I take a sample of my water to the LFS, and trust their testing, or just retest the nitrite level with my own test kit?

I test the ammonia level and the nitrite level every day, once before I add the ammonia, and then again afterwards.
I would stick it out. Starting over will just take longer. It couldnt hurt to take a sample to the lfs either. Then youll have a good idea if your test kit is working correctly. If they show the same results then you can just continue what your doing. But dont let the lfs talk you into starting over. They just want to sell you fish.
Should I keep going with what I'm doing, or is there something else that you would suggest I do?


I just now tested my water for today.

5ml water, add 8 drops of ammonia test solution 1, add 8 drops of ammonia test solution 2, shake, then let sit for 5 minutes

ammonia = ~5ppm

5ml water, add 5 drops of nitrite test solution, shake, the let sit for 5 minutes

nitrite = 0ppm

I added the daily dose of 4 teaspoons of ammonia, waited approximately 5 minutes or so.

Tested the ammonia level as mentioned above.

ammonia = ~5ppm

Tested the nitrite level as mentioned above.

nitrite = 0ppm

I've got to tell you, I'm usually a patient man, but this is kind of irritating. From what I've read, I'm doing everything right according to the fishless cycling procedures. But I just can't seem to get the nitrite spike.

luxum said:
Noooo don't start over! You are doing everything right, just be patient. Maybe confirm your nitrite test to make sure it isn't bad, sometimes even the new ones are.

Were you talking to me or to Panther? I wasn't planning on starting over, not after 3 weeks of waiting patiently. I was wondering why people sometimes start over.

Today my amonia seemed to be closer to 7ppm. Nitrites are still at 0. I was wondering if I should not add amonia for a couple of days so that it has a chance to drop a bit. Any thoughts?

I thought that I read in another post on fishless cycling that too much amonia can halt a cycle or saome such. The post was written by Leanne, can't remember who started the topic. I will have to reread.


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