Fishless Cycling Problem Aiming For 12Hr Clearance

It's about an hour away - I'll have a look at the website - thanks TLM!

Couldn't get to the website - there were lots of facebook and twitter links but no website even following their FB link.
Ah well - worth a try
Ah. Yeah, looks like they closed down. Sorry, didn't realise.
In that case, I don't know. Try posting a query in the Betta section.
Got a contact from RCA and she trusts them implicitly - just no plakats at the moment. Heyho!
Will post in betta section tho - see if anyone can recommend.
You were right - at the aquatic centre the young girl I asked looked at me as if I'd just spoken to her in Klingon! .....Never heard of those, what are they??? were her exact words.
I've only just worked out what IIRC means <doh>!
Will keep looking!
How big is your tank?? Just kidding ... this fish looks like he's a mover!
It's a 30L but I reckon with everything else in, there's only about 23L actual water which is 4.5G UK so a tad under the ideal but hoping he'll like it. I've just been looking at betta floating mirrors and hammocks. Got a big silk plant with hammock-like leaves but has anyone used a mirror?
Ah, .you need a 300L tank for a betta

only kidding

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