Fishless Cycling Log - Add & Wait Method

Todays tests:

DAY 11

Temp 29.3c

Ph 8.0 - looked a bit lighter close to 7.4 but not 7.8. However, the low range PH was clearly 7.6.

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitite 5ppm +. Went purple in bottom of tube as soon as it was added.

Nitrate 5ppm - not correct again!

Added 6.5ml ammonia - tested after 30mins to confirm 2pp.

When do i start testing every 12hrs?
Is it when i see a drop in nitrites?
At present do i continue testing ph, ammonia and nitrite and dose ammonia at 24hr mark when 0ppm?

One other thing, the tank water is clear but the glass appears cloudy which i expected.
There is however a bacterial outbreak i think. Can describe it as 1mm in size spores (probably completely wrong terminology but my way of describing it!) on the airline pipe but not on the aquarium glass. It is also concentrated on the filter intake pipe as it leaves the tank and in the outlet pipe as it leaves the filter. These are the three areas where it appears most densely. :-(
You'll find a totally natural desire to start doing some 12hour tests once nitrite(NO2) plummets down to zero ppm readings at 24 hours, because you'll suddently be "blind," right? You'll be looking at "double-zero" test results at 24 hours but will know that the nitrite (maybe ammonia too) will -not- be dropping to zero at 12 hours yet, so it will make you want to do 12 hour tests. Incidently, if you then begin doing 12 hour tests and see ammonia reaching zero at 12 hours, then you don't really need to waste your ammonia test reagent on a 24hour ammonia test, just assume it's zero and re-dose the ammonia at the 24hour mark. Make sense?

The end of the 5+ nitrite spike usually comes rather suddenly and can jump around wildly in the way it presents itself to you in test results. Sometimes you go from 5+ppm to 0.25ppm in one day, then 3ppm (at 24hours) the next day, then zero ppm the next day, then 5+ppm again the next day.. wild bounces like that possibly for a few days. OR, it might just drop to zero at 24 hours and never appear again! There are a number of different patterns we see for the end of the nitrite spike, but it usually takes place in less than a week, not 2 weeks.

The end of the 5+ nitrite spike usually comes rather suddenly and can jump around wildly in the way it presents itself to you in test results. Sometimes you go from 5+ppm to 0.25ppm in one day, then 3ppm (at 24hours) the next day, then zero ppm the next day, then 5+ppm again the next day.. wild bounces like that possibly for a few days. OR, it might just drop to zero at 24 hours and never appear again! There are a number of different patterns we see for the end of the nitrite spike, but it usually takes place in less than a week, not 2 weeks.


As usual WD you have posted excellent advice. Barry this is exactly what happened to me as you can see from my cycle log so do not be suprised if your result go from tedious to totaly tonto overnight.
Thanks Aqua Tom.
I saw that you noticed your nitrite first dropping on 26/11 and then to 0ppm on 29/11 quite quickly.
Have you put your results on a chart or table (or have i just missed it :blink: !).
I think it would be really good for people to look at the progress and obstacles such as changing the filter.
Thanks Aqua Tom.
I saw that you noticed your nitrite first dropping on 26/11 and then to 0ppm on 29/11 quite quickly.
Have you put your results on a chart or table (or have i just missed it :blink: !).
I think it would be really good for people to look at the progress and obstacles such as changing the filter.

i have it on a spreadsheet but unfortunatly can on show part of it at a time so i may transfer it to a cloud based one so i can share
Todays tests:

DAY 12

Temp 29.4c

Ph 8.0

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitite 5ppm +. Went purple in bottom of tube as soon as it was added.

Nitrate 5ppm - not correct again!

Added 6.5ml ammonia for 2ppm.
Excellent work. I would forget the nitrate tests now as the high nitrite is going to interfere with the results.
Cheers for that.
Did it as routine today! Will skip it tomorrow till nitrite drops to 0ppm or close to it.
DAY 13

Temp 29.3c

Ph 8.0

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitite 5ppm +. Went purple in bottom of tube as soon as it was added.

Nitrate - not TESTED

Added 6.5ml ammonia for 2ppm.

DAY 14

Temp 29.3c

Ph 8.0

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitite 5ppm +. Went purple in bottom of tube as soon as it was added.

Nitrate - not TESTED

Added 6.5ml ammonia for 2ppm.
DAY 15

Temp 29.4c

Ph 8.0

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitite 5ppm +. Went purple in bottom of tube but more slowly then previously and was lighter for a while before going dark.

Nitrate - not TESTED

Added 6.5ml ammonia for 2ppm.
DAY 16

Temp 29.3c

Ph 8.0

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitite 5ppm +. Went BLUE in bottom of tube for a while then turned purple. Still over 5ppm.

Nitrate - not TESTED

Added 6.5ml ammonia for 2ppm.
Exciting YES!

Patience - thats one of the things that i have learned from this forum. Will keep going........................:thumbs:
DAY 17

Temp 29.5c

Ph 8.0

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitite 2ppm - ITS DROPPED. Stayed blue in bottom of test tube:hyper:

Nitrate - not sure of the nitrate reading. It is BRIGHT RED. Its brighter than 80ppm but does not have the brownish tinge of 160ppm. Does that mean its in between 80 & 160ppm or is it off the scale?

Added 6.5ml ammonia for 2ppm.

Should i now perform a large water change to prevent the cycle crashing? :crazy:

Also, for a couple of days soon i will not be able to test the water due to circumstances but will be able to dose it with ammonia. Would it therefore be wise to stick to 2ppm dosing at 24 hrs for a few days and then resume testing?

Most reactions
