Fishless Cycling Log - Add & Wait Method

Day 44

Tested approx 24hrs after dose

Temp 30.2

Ph - LR PH on 7.6.

Ammonia - not tested as 0ppm at 12hrs

Nitite - not tested as 0ppm at 13hrs

Nitrate - not sure as bright red!

Added 12.5ml ammonia for 4ppm.
Yeah, as Tom says, you're getting into the "safe zone" where it's less and less likely you'll see any big 1 or 2ppm blips during a qualifying week and that gives you flexibility to either keep watching and timing it or to go for some good fish if your whole first stocking plan happens to be available at one or more LFSs.. it becomes just a big timing thing in some ways. WD
The light at the end of that long tunnel looks to be getting a lot brighter Barry :good:

Still working on the stocking at the moment so will continue to monitor the nitrites for now.
Also, work is in the way. Want to time it so that i can refill and partly stock to then sit and enjoy on my days off!
Day 44 - 12HR TEST

Tested approx 12hrs after dose

Temp 30.7

Ph 7.6 on LR. HR not tested.

Ammonia - 0ppm :hyper:

Nitrite - 0ppm :hyper:


Hey, maybe by the time you're ready you'll be getting double-zeros at 8 hours! We had one member who liked that as a qualification. WD
Thanks WD!

He must have had the patience of a saint!
Is he still around or is he waiting for his 1000th nitrite test kit to arrive!
If qualifying week goes ok then the timing will be perfect.

Hopefully the first inhabitants will be the bristlenose plec and 6 (4m 2f) Melanotaenia boesemani - Boeseman's rainbowfish.
He's one of the guys that's been here longer than me and has some nice tanks.

Your fish choices are among my favorites! WD
Hi barry good to see you pretty much there i gather.

i noticed that you tank temp is around 30, i have just started fish less cycling but with mature filter media i got off of the girlfriends parents, my tank temp is set at 25, is it advisable to raise this during cycling?
hi mmccx

Set your temp to 29c.
Its a bit fiddly on the heaters so you have to guess and adjust it accordingly.
Use a glass/alcohol thermometer to confirm the temperature.

If you have a look at my cycling log, you will see i am using a digital thermometer which is not as accurate as glass. It can be out by + or - 1c.
It generally shows it to be 1c higher so in reality it is about 29c. I kept a glass one in there from the other tank for a while just to confirm this.
I need to get another glass one but keep forgetting!
I used the digital one as you can set a temp range alarm and also it refreshes every 8 seconds and the probe can go right down to the bottom of the tank.
hi mmccx

Set your temp to 29c.
Its a bit fiddly on the heaters so you have to guess and adjust it accordingly.
Use a glass/alcohol thermometer to confirm the temperature.

If you have a look at my cycling log, you will see i am using a digital thermometer which is not as accurate as glass. It can be out by + or - 1c.
It generally shows it to be 1c higher so in reality it is about 29c. I kept a glass one in there from the other tank for a while just to confirm this.
I need to get another glass one but keep forgetting!
I used the digital one as you can set a temp range alarm and also it refreshes every 8 seconds and the probe can go right down to the bottom of the tank.

excellent, i will change my temp setting now, i have a glass themometer in at the moment which reads about 1 degree higher than my heater so will probably raise the temp to 28 on my heater and see what happens.

Thanks for the quick reply mate, and good luck wtih the home stretch of cycling :)
Day 45

Tested approx 24hrs after dose

Temp 30.4

Ph - LR PH on 7.6.

Ammonia - not tested as 0ppm at 12hrs

Nitite - not tested as 0ppm at 12hrs

Nitrate - not sure as bright red!

Added 12.5ml ammonia for 4ppm

Day 45 - 12HR TEST

Tested approx 12hrs after dose

Temp 30.3

Ph 7.6 on LR. HR not tested.

Ammonia - 0ppm :hyper:

Nitrite - 0ppm :hyper:

Most reactions
