Okay, so then I've been living a lie!!! No, really, I wasn't aware that it was fishcycling, so I've really been living in a fog. Luxum, I want to thank you for straightening me out on that, or else I never would have known (and now I feel like a booger). Discomafia, the biggest tank I've done this in was my thirty gallon, but I've done it for everything from a 1gallon up to the 30 since, forever really, because that's how we always set up our tanks. I didn't even know about the whole fishless/nonfish cycle bit till I got on this forum, I just thought that was how everyone did it. But I don't like to mess around with chemicals personally, and since it worked for me and that's how I've always done it, that's probably how I always will. And both my tanks in my siggy were set up like that.