Fishless Cycle - Results So Far

Day 42 (Saturday 24th May)

Tested Ammonia at 8.00am
Ammonia: 0.00ppm
NitrIte: 0.00pm
NitrAte: 40
PH: 7.22

Raised Ammonia to 4.00ppm

Tested Ammonia at 8.00pm
Ammonia: 0.00ppm
NitrIte: 1.00ppm<
NitrAte: 40 ppm
PH: 7.22
Day 43 (Sunday 25th May)

Well after much deliberation I have decided to add some stock to the tank.

Today I added:

17 Rummy Nose Tetra's (got 2 for free)
3 Apistogramma cacatuoides (1 male, 2 females)
3 Apistogramma borellii (1 male, 2 females)
4 Amano Shrimps
2 Cherry Shrimps (I wanted 4 but there were only 2 in stock)

This is about half of the stock I'm looking to add Cardinals, Corys and Oto's in the future. I will be keeping a very close eye on the water conditions for the next week or so until I'm sure eveything is ok.
Hi stormy, I so pleased for you bet it was great going to purchase your residents after all that time. Makes me believe there is light at the end of the tunnel, just tested my nitrite, still no flipping change!! I've just been looking at piccies of the fish you selected they are lovely it's given me some ideas, thank you. Becky
Hi stormy, I so pleased for you bet it was great going to purchase your residents after all that time. Makes me believe there is light at the end of the tunnel, just tested my nitrite, still no flipping change!! I've just been looking at piccies of the fish you selected they are lovely it's given me some ideas, thank you. Becky

Cheers Becky, I have probably stocked a little early if you follow the pinned topic to the letter but fingers crossed everything goes ok :)
Keep us updated with test results, Stormy? :good:

I most definatly will for at least the next week or so.

The fish were added at 4pm.

I tested at 6pm:

Ammonia 0.00ppm
NitrIte: 0.00ppm

I fed them 2 small pinches of food at around 7.30pm

I tested again at 10pm:

Ammonia 0.00ppm
NitrIte: 0.00ppm

So far so good but I think the big test will be once they are fed on a regular basis.

On a different note its is amazing watching the confidence of the fish increase through the evening. The Rummy Nose Tetra's went from being pale to have bright red noses again by lights out and from swimming around the bottom of the tan hour or so after I turned the lights back on (after stocking the tank) to being all over the tank except right at the back. The Apisto's have already seemed to stake claims for parts of the tank. The A.Borrelli have taken the bog wood and doesnt like either the Cocotuoides of his 2 female Borrelli buddies. Both groups of Apisto females came out of their shells far quicker than the males and so far.... everything seems ok.... oh and the shrimps are funny as hell to watch darting around the tank!
excellent, glad the ammonia and nitrite are holding steady. :good:
Right here are a few pics of the new occupiers of my tank :D Please bare with me.... my camera isnt great and they are obviously still a tad shy!

Male Apistogramma Borelli:




Both Female Apistogramma Cacatuoides:


Rummy Nose Tetras:


Male Apistogramma Cacatuoides:



And finally the new tank lay out:


Pre Prune:


Post Prune:


I'm having trouble getitng pics of the shrimps and both female A.Borelli but as soon as I get some I will add them :good:
Thanks you MW... the Cichlids are definatly developing their own personalities! The male A. Cacatouides is flaring next to the females trying to have his wicked way I think! lol
lol, dwarf cichlids are definatley some of my favourite fish
Todays water tests:

Ammonia: 0.00ppm
Nitrite: 0.00ppm
PH: 7.35
Nitrate: 40

Ammonia: 0.00ppm
Nitrite: 0.00ppm
PH: 7.2
Nitrate: 40

I dont know why my PH is over the 7 mark as the tap water is still around 6.8. Apart from that everything seems to be going ok so far. If it stays like this until the weekend I will do a 25% water change and probably ad some different Tetras but only an initial group of 6 or so.
Todays water tests:

Ammonia: 0.00ppm
Nitrite: 0.00ppm
PH: 7.20
Nitrate: 20

Ammonia: 0.00ppm
Nitrite: 0.00ppm
PH: 7.20
Nitrate: 40

Most reactions
