Fishless Cycle Log

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I just checked back and user "martinking" cycled on Day 119, so you've got a ways to go yet before you can beat him. Maybe I should search for other members who when over 100 days...

I just checked back and user "martinking" cycled on Day 119, so you've got a ways to go yet before you can beat him. Maybe I should search for other members who when over 100 days...

Hopefully we are an exclusive club!

Into the triple digits now, closing in on cycling day I hope.

Besides the tank being a complete green mess, there are nothing new to get upset about. At least the snail is well fed (it's actually interesting to watch it feed).
Day 105, week 15.

I have done some checking in the morning at the 12 hour mark, more or less. The ammonia is fully processed but the nitrites are not quite there: about 0.25 ppm, give or take. Looks like the cycle is almost there, probably in the next couple of days.
Yes OM, at least DT and MK have distinctive TFF names making it all the easier for us to remember them when we cite the records... :lol: WD
Did a water change today after work in order to clean up some of the algal mess that has accumulated. The green algae peels off nicely in some cases, and the loose stuff gets sucked up by the Python. Is there an algae that is a light brown (tan coloured) powdery substance? It sort of looks like dust.
Yes, it sounds like you are describing "diatoms," a type of algae. This is often described as going away once a tank gets mature, but it can be a significant problem and I'm not knowledgeable about all the ways to get rid of it. If can be wiped off glass and decorations easily and worked off of larger leaves with some delicate but persistant sponge work. I'd hazard a guess that its worse in softer, acid water than hard, alkaline water, but I'm also not sure of that. I also believe its one of the many that are worse if you aren't running pressurized. I also assume that like many other algaes it will have a harder time as your circulation gets better either via higher filter turnover/flow rate or via added powerheads. I'm sure its on James's list like the others.

105 days! :blink:

i can't imagine waiting almost 4 months :unsure: that sure puts things in perspective.
Day 110; been a few days since last update.

Not much change to report. Started doing morning checks and the results are that I am almost at 0,0 for ammonia, nitrites. Didn't check the last two mornings (not enough time before work!) so I will do it again tomorrow.

JustFrozen: seems mine is not a typical case. Don't be discouraged!

WD: there seem to be many types of powerheads. Could you suggest one I could consider adding to my tank?
yeah i meant it like most of us consider our normal cycles to be really long, but relative to cases like this they are actually not :)
yeah i meant it like most of us consider our normal cycles to be really long, but relative to cases like this they are actually not :)
I seriously thought mine would be a "normal" cycle (4-6 weeks) since I was seeing positive results after a couple of weeks. Boy was I wrong! Almost there though...
lol I'm starting to get superstitious. It's been a couple of weeks for me and I'm now getting positive results; hopefully, I'll fare a bit better than 110+ days :D
Hi Guys, Well I'm pushing the siamese cat off the keyboard where he tries to soak up the laptop heat and just "escaped" all the paragraphs I wrote to you, darn it! It just happens, DT, that I picked up a Hydor Koralia Nano a few weeks ago and I'm very happy with it. I uses inside/outside magnets to attach to the tank glass anywhere and I've got mine hidden behind a large swordplant leaf in the upper left rear corner, aiming down toward mid tank. I was worried about noise but its totally silent. It immediately kicked up loose debris and now I suspect most of that loose debris has made it to the filter input. The fish seem to love going in groups to have a "river current swim." Overall though I still think that circulation amount is a bit hard to decide about and this little powerhead, even the nano, is quite strong. You'll have an easier time of it with a bigger tank. Have no idea on longevity (they're Italian so who knows, lol.) The Koralia line had many recommendations on planted forums I think partly because the stream is less pinpoint, anyway I'm sure you're aware that there are a number of models in the line.

I have been using the Aquaclear power heads and they also seem to do the job nicely. I usually am using them to power a sponge filter and must say the model designed for a 10 gallon tank is terrible for that application. All of the larger ones come with a tapered adapter that lets me fit them to a sponge quite nicely, but the 10 gallon model has a round inlet and no adapter. The end result is that there is no easy way to fit them to my use. I do find that I need to turn the flow rates down compared to the tank size that each is rated to take care of. In essence, I would be tempted to say that a 50 gallon power head is better suited to a 75 if you run it wide open.
Day 112. Week 16 for those that have been keeping track.

Checked water stats this morning after a late ammonia dosing the night before (thanks to all the ghouls :devil: ). Much to my surprise I got double zeros! :hyper: Could this be the day?!? Am I on my way to adding fishies to my lonely tank? I sure hope so!

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