

Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hi, i was doing my water testing today and my fish were attempting to bite me. Is this a sign of hunger? or do they just not like me touching their water? I had already fed them. I gave them a few more flakes and they went nuts trying to get to the food. Are fish always hungry? we feed them once a day.
Are you sure they were trying to bite you?

When i put my finger in the tank, my zebra danios like to come up and suck it.

Mine get 2 small feeds a day. But they will eat all day if they could.
I doubt they're hungry, some fish are just like to explore the new 'object' in the tank this way, for example, whenever i do a water change my male pearl gourami always nips me.

What type of fish are they? Once a day should be adequate for most common species, although some species, and fry, need multiple feedings.

Dogg :)
It's just a habbit of exploring new things, yes! The lil' tiger barbs just come around and nip at my finger at the first times then they just come for food if there's any in my hand. The clownies and some guppies, also!

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