Fishies Dying :'(


Fish Fanatic
Oct 11, 2008
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Dumbartonshire, West of Glasgow
I once had 8 Tiger Barbs, 5 Albino Tigers and 5 Cherry... Now I 3 Albino and 1 Cherry left. Thankfully I still have all 8 Tigers.
The 3 last Abino seem to be ok, But my last cherry :-(
I put her in my mums tank with her danios and goldfish (because the tigers are to rough for her I think)
But this morning she was on the gravel, still alive..... just. Thing is, I have NEVER seen her eat for months!!! none of my cherrys ate for weeks!

So here is my first question.... for £100
Do I...
A: Let her die in my mums tank?
B: Let her die in my tank?
C: In a bucket so she can die in peace?

Question 2.... for £200
What new fish to get...
A: Get 5 new Albinos and 8 new Green barbs, so my tank will have 8 Tiger, Albino and Green Barbs in it?
B: Get 5 new Albinos and get new types of fish to go with them?
C: If you picked B what types of fish will go with my Tiger and Albino?

But any help would be grand :D
As long as she's not been hassled by your fish then just leave her.

I would consentrate more on finding out why your fish are dying before you commit to buying more of them, maybe post in the Emergency section and detail water stats, tank size, stocking, filtration and any signs of disease.
There are no signs of disease. I checked for diseases.
All my other fish are going great. Also I have gave my tank a good clean, so any diseases on the water would be washed out.
But what are the water stats for ammonia, nitrIte, nitrAte and ph, what size also is the tank, how long has it been running.
Also I have gave my tank a good clean, so any diseases on the water would be washed out.

I'm afraid it just doesn't work like this although i bet everyone on this forum wish it did. Cleaning your tank, no matter how thorough will not eradicate diseases unless you mean that you stripped it and recycled it of course.

sometimes diseases aren't visible, internal bacteria and parasites are a nightmare and can kill off communities over months. If your fish are still dying regularly then it wouldn't be a good idea to add more fish.

Sometimes diseases can take months to diagnose and eradicate, i had a awful experience once where fish were sick and dying for over 3 months - it was so painful to watch and no matter what i did i couldn't get rid of it, i ended up having to strip the tank and re-cycle it. During this period i had a lot of chats with a guy at the lfs (the type of guy that simply lives for his fish), he said of all the hundreds of tanks he's setup that twice he had tanks that just weren't stable - no matter what he tried they were problematic, so please don't brush the problems under the carpet, if fish are dying then it needs to be sorted before you add more.
Did you use the fish to cycle the tank?

Do any fish look skinny or bloated.
What does it look like when the fish go to the toilet.
Do any fish look pale or darker in colour.
Is the fish acting listless and lethagic.
is the fish resting to oneside on subtrate or plants.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Any excess mucas on gills or body of fish.
Any sores or red streaking on the body of the fish.

The third type of infection produced by Aeromonas is by no means the least. This form is often the most virulent (potent) and can be rapidly fatal. This insidious form does not produce any noticeable external ulcers. The most notable feature is a behavioral change in which the infected fish generally become listless and lethargic. Some fish may lose color or appear darker. The fish do not feed, frequently seem off balance and may sink to the bottom laying on their sides. The course of the disease is rapid, and by the time the behavioral changes are noticed, the entire population of a tank may succumb, sometimes in a day or so. This is an internal infection, with the bacteria being found in the kidneys and blood of these fish. The bacteria produce potent toxins that account for the severity of the disease.
The cherry barb was laying on the gravel on its side, the day after I put it on my mums tank. But when i came back from college it was fine (well.... not laying on the gravel like before) and it is really tired... like when I was cleaning my tank and useing the net, I caught it in the net and it didn't even try to get out.

But nothing else.... oh.... i didn't use fish to cycle it and my cherry barbs are the lastest..... well added last
So no fish showing any signs of the symtoms I listed.
I would add a bacterial med to both tanks with losing quite a few fish.
Anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
All the fish that have died - did they come from the same shop?

Sometimes shops can have bad batches, or the way in which the fish are shipped can stress them out and mean that they are simply not going to last long once they get home.

It might be worth buying from a different store.
Yes, all the fish where from the same place. Pet at Home is the only place that is close to me (well 30minute train ride)
My local pet sote in the nest town is really not good... I have seem dead fish in tanks full of other fish and they never clean there tanks.

May that bunch of fish was bad and the future fish will be ok. Buthey died about a month after i got them though... So it cant be traveling stress can it?
Have you added the med yet.

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