December 2016 Tank of the Month!

Here we go my entry for TOTM
10 gallon
regular water changes happen when I do my gravel vac which is every week.
Feed the fish tropical fish flakes.
No heater as it stays 78-76
Filter:Aquatech 5-15
Lighting:16 watt flourescent bulb
I dose Seachem flourish once every week
Stock:7 Neons,1 cory,1 snail
P.H 7.0

Sorry for poor quality taken from a 3DS Here is some more pictures


  • Fish picture.JPG
    Fish picture.JPG
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Thanks will problay put up a video just cause of poor quality from the picture.
Scratch that wont allow me to put videos so picture will have to do
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Nope no joke I dont have access to a phone at the moment so I stuck the SD card in my laptop and put the picture down,Also all the brown dots are snails on the glass
You should win just for determination lol

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Ac30 and rio 50
Finnex stingray
Fluval mini co2
Seachem ferts

A.lancelot, a.nanna petite, b.monnieri, b.carolina, c.parva, c.wendtii, rotala, java moss, java fern, p.helferi, pennywort, dwarf lilly, s.minima, pothos

5 endlers
25 rcs
5 ghosts
Lots of pond, mts, ramshorn
25% weekly wc


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I think you are only allowed to have 1 picture.
That's what the rules said.

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