Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef


Jul 9, 2007
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Reading, UK

We all know that the majority of reefs in the world are under threat from human activities, e.g. pollution, tourism, jewellery and the illegal trade of endangered species. These factors have had a massive affect on the reefs around the world. The most recent large scale pollution of a marine habitat is the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. It has been across papers and news headlines for definate across the UK and has affected people's lives who live near the coast (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida) For some people the Gulf is were they earn there living: fishing to hotel owners. Other than fish and inverts there are turtles and the Marine mammals, including the critically endangered West Indian manateesa and the other less endangered but threatened nevertheless: bottlenose dolphins, sperm whales, and blue whales.

I work in Waitrose, ironically on the meat and fish service counter. There has been a signifficant decrease of the amount of yellow fin tuna we have had in. I suspect that this may have partly been becuase of the spill. Although Tuna inhabitats a large area of the world.

Another large impact on the reefs comes from the aquarium trade (unfortuantly) the main culprets: USA and followed by the UK.

The impacts of the aquarium trade:


A total of 103 species of fish are collected for the aquarium fish trade; 90% of the harvest is focused only on seven species including Yellow Tang, Kole, Achilles Tang, Orangespine Unicornfish, Longnose Butterflyfish, and Moorish Idols.

80% of the catch of marine ornamentals are herbivorous fish. A reduction in the abundance of herbivores can cause algal overgrowth of coral, creating long-term impacts on coral reef health.

Live rock

Fijian is the best rock to buy if your after the 'wild stuff' as locals have found a sustainable way to harvest live rock: They collect plain old dry porus rock normally from land. This rock is very porus and comes in 'dounut' shapes which is practical for use. What they do is anchor the rock to the bed with chain or rope through the holes of the dounut shaped rocks to the sea bed and wait just 8 months for the rock to become inhabited by bacteria and algae (the good type, they take off any nusience algae) it is then shipped off to us. Where it is then cured in more local locations.

However by far the most sustainable way to obtain live rock is from someone breaking down there already established tank.

I will get onto corals a bit later on.

Aquacultured marine fish

Marine fish that have been tank bred has made a big step in the marine conservation world :) The more popular and easier to breed specimens such as clownfish and cardinalfish are some of the most readily availiable fish on the market. The pros to tank bred fish are that they are hardier, do a lot better than the wild caught, less prone to disease and generally do a lot better on the whole. They have the same characteristics as the wild ones so you wouldn't know if they were wild or not. Or would you?.. Many aquatic shops sell wild caught specimens as tank bred (TB) to try and gain status. However most are good and if selling TB or wild caught (WC) will state exactly if they are or are not.


Image courtesy of Richard Seaman -

I have put the white box on to resemble a Juwel Rio 125. Very rough thought measurements done by taking the length of the wrasse in the picture.

But you can tell that that tank is tiny compared to the fish is used to if WC. I hope you can make out sort of what I'm getting at. :fun:


What people on this section of the forum are doing is great. We (except me at this moment) are keeping captive bred fish. This is also good as we can learn from our experiences and if anything happens such as managing to breed a fish this is a break through. As when it happens you can state exactly what the conditions of your tank were and what was in there. How they spawned etc. This can be replicated in labs and it may allow people to breed these fish and it then means that no more WC specimens of that fish won't need to be taken from the wild.

Oh and all this is also in aid of my AS level Coursework for Environmental science as its my chosen topic. So I'm setting up my tank to give evidence. Great excuse IMO :lol:

As my teacher is against marine aquariums I will prove her that it can be done 'sustainably' or as close as I can get it :)

Sorry for the essay but hey it keeps me from causing mischief ;)
Chapter 1:

The 'John Lewis Partnership' pay date is this Friday so thats when the ordering will begin, but I thought it might be a good idea to share my shopping list with you all before I start the ordering just incase there are any BIG 'no nos'

- Juwel Rio 125 aquarium
- Powerheads: Hydor evolution Koralia 1600lph (x2)
- Substrate: Argamax select sugar sized sand (30lbs)
- RO unit: 4 Stage 100 Gallon Per Day Reverse Osmosis System + Hose adapter + tap connector + water butt.
- Protein Skimmer: TMC V2 skim 400 or Deltec MCE 300. Undecided edging towards the deltec at the moment. Any reviews?

And eventually 20kg Fijian Live rock.
Make sure you get the new Koralia Evolution Powerheads they are more powerful and smaller than the old

Avoid the TMC skimmer they do the job but Deltec Excel at it

Just FYI the amount of fish collected for this hobby is minute in comparison to the number of fish caught by fisherman and die then get thrown back in as they are not in there quotas or suitable for consumbtion.

I cant rember the exact figures something like it would take 10,000 years for our hobby to take out as many fish as fisherman kill in a year if you are doing some reaserch on this contact TMC they give a very intresting talk.

Also a lot of our corals come from Figi which helps with the reef replacement they are doing there at the moment do a you tube search on "Coral Gardening in Fiji" madde me jealous the corals they had there.

Think the TMC presentation is "Reef to Retail"
So go for the deltec. And the evolution powerheads, got it :)

Yeah its a really controversial subjsect, I was contemplating putting it up here but then I thought it would be good to get other peoples views to make my coursework less bias :)

I will take a look at the coral gardening in fiji on youtube thanks :)

It is pretty neutral with aquarist but the thing that annoys me more is that its pretty unnecessary for aquarist to take wild fish out of there ocean and put them in the tiny tank even if its 10,000 gallons its still tiny compared to a reef.

EDIT: Just watched the fijian coral gardening, it is really interesting, I will be including it in my work! Thanks Morri!
They may come from the wild but most marine fish are territorial hence the aggression so rarely move from there territory clowns are a prime example in the wild they will rarely move more than 12" from there nem in addtion in a tank they are likely (With good care) to live a longer life than in the wild as in general reef keeper would not keep predators (Always exceptions to this rule)

I have issues with some of the tank bred fish recently there has been a lot of tank bred clowns dying from a large UK breeder, I think a lot of this is to do with Genertion after Generation of breeders still being bred if they are going to provide the market with tank breds at G20 instead of G1/2 more are going to die needlessly.

I think we have seen a bout on here of tank breds dying I know simonas lost a few :crazy:

In general this hobby is about enjoying the beauty of a reef but a lot of people behind the scenes make it sustanable as its in there intrests as there is a lot of profit it in this business for someone as i know that the diver that collected that blasto which was sold to at £130 would have been paid a £1 at best :)

Yip that is a great video the growth over time is stunning :)
Yeah the interbreeding has come up a lot but with a good mix in the gene pool there shouldn't really be a problem.
Really that diver only made £1 profit? Now thats passion!

I do agree with you thought, this hobby is meant to bring the beauty of the reef into our homes.

Those koralia evos were cheaper than the old model too, strange. I think I would need two of the 1600lph models?
2 1600lph pump in a 120L tank = roughly 26 times turn over its about right, flow is good :good:

enough flow for softies and LPS not enough for SPS but I would not worry about SPS yet :)
Brilliant! :)

I probably won't go as far as LPS let alone SPS. Softies are great for me :)

How do the koralia powerheads work? I'm really confused about them... There magnetic but where do they get the power from?
First purchases... Little ones but will make a difference! (eventually!)

I got some black spray paint from hobby craft - Plasti Kote Project Paint, black for doing the back of my aquarium. This will hopefully give it depth and will look better than the plastic wallpapers. I have been informed that this will stop the salt creep from getting in the way and making my tank ugly! :)

Way in advance I brought some shells for when I get hermit crabs. They look like the shells of turbo snails with pink bits on them. I also got some other ones which my other half said looked pretty.
So the wire is inside the aquarium? Ah I thought that there was some way that it was reaching it through the magnet lol :blush:

So moving on...

My ordering will commence tomorrow morning:

The following purchases will be my first batch of orders:

- Juwel Rio 125
- Koralia Evolution 1600lph Powerheads x2
- Argamax select sugar sized sand (30lbs) and a bag of crushed coral (10lbs)
- Instant Ocean 8kg

This is a quite a small one but gets me off the ground with the 'big bits of hardware.

Couple of questions:
1) Is that too much substrate for a 81cm long and 36cm width tank. I plan to eventually keep a Yellow Headed Jawfish so I need the mix of substrate sizes and depth. (I understand DSB can cause problem due to anaerobic bacteria etc)

2) Could any problems arise from having a tank with RO water + salt and flow? is its just sitting there becuase I may be tempted to just put a little bit of LR in there to hopefully seed some of the substrate just to get things up and running?
theres nothing wrong with having your tank running with salted water and flow. You can add bits of live rock too, but you need to keep it fed by adding a bit of food every now and again or it will die off. Your best looking for a job lot of rock off someone breaking a tank down. this way it will all be cycled together reducing your wait.
So the wire is inside the aquarium? Ah I thought that there was some way that it was reaching it through the magnet lol :blush:

Yes, with the koralia, but the vortech (lots of money) does run how you suggested!

2) Could any problems arise from having a tank with RO water + salt and flow? is its just sitting there becuase I may be tempted to just put a little bit of LR in there to hopefully seed some of the substrate just to get things up and running?

Thats what i would do as well :good: just feed the tank a couple of times a week with fish food :good:
Ah thats okay then. By a little bit I am thinking 10kg then adding another 10kg about a week and a bit after. Is that possible to do? Or will it need to be cured (the 2nd lot) before hand? It will be coming from my LFS so it will only be out of water <20-30 mins depending on traffic. I understand this will mean less die off so less curing time?

Ah I think I will stick to the evos! Thats amazing how that can happen. Shows how far technology has gone.

How much food would you add about a 'pinch' every week?

It will only be a coarse of 3 weeks so not too long.

EDIT: Had a look around eBay and the classifieds but no luck. Will check again nearer the time. There the obvious places but would anywhere else prove better results?
well idk what AS is since im not UK but im taking AP enviromental science as well! i was planning on trying to breed bangaiis and some other fish because bangaiis and others are endangered but still apear in the hobby due to captive breeding, i also wanted to try firefish as well since noone has gotten those yet AFAIK and you can imagine how many have been taken.

tbh i feel bad about the achilles such a pretty fish but all the harvested ones are adults since we cant breed them and the factjuvies dont live :/

anyways, ill be watching this :good:

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