
Fish Fanatic
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Warren, Michigan
Is a Red Tail Catfish, and a Red Tail Shark the same thing?

Is it true that most fish won't out grow their environment?

I would like to get a Red Tail Catfish, but I found out that the max growth for them is 3 to 4 feet. I've only got a 42 gallon aquarium, that is 36 inches long.

I know by experience that Pacu's outgrow their environment. At least to a certain extent. My sister in-law had a 55 gallon long, and her Pacu got too big for it.
a red tailed catfish is not a red tailed shark they are both completly different species

as for fish not out growing their environment as far as i know if the tank size is insutable to allow proper growth the fish doesnt grow however its organs do so it will physically crush itself from the inside :(

always better to reasearch which fish you wish to have to see if you can accomodate the fish once it is full grown

i would very strongly advise you against getting a red tailed catfish if your tank is only 36 inch long as its physicaly no where near large enough to cater for that type of fish :/
Saying a fish won't outgrow it's environment is the same as stunting. Where the fish's body cannot grow because of the lack of space, however it's organs will grow too big for it's body to house. and it will die a premature and horrible death.

So, not a good idea. IMO the worst thing you can ever subject a fish to, never mind cycling and newbie mistakes. A 36" tank is in no way shape or form big enough.

Also, this should be in the catfish section.
Thank you very much for your input.
As for your catfish section comment Cheese Specialist. Does it really matter. This is the Tropical Chit Chat section, isn't it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Tropical Chit Chat section open to most all subjects?
panther1505 said:
Thank you very much for your input.
As for your catfish section comment Cheese Specialist. Does it really matter. This is the Tropical Chit Chat section, isn't it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Tropical Chit Chat section open to most all subjects?
I think Tropical Chit Chat is for sharing experiences and asking questions that do not fit into catogeries in the other forums, correct me if I am wrong. :)
panther1505 said:
As for your catfish section comment Cheese Specialist. Does it really matter. This is the Tropical Chit Chat section, isn't it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Tropical Chit Chat section open to most all subjects?
I think it does matter, the sections are there for a reason. If you put something in the right section then the right people look at it and it does not get burried under the huge amount of topics posted in the chit chat section daily.

This section is open to a lot of subjects but not to specific fish/species questions.

I imagine it will be moved by a mod to the correct section.
This is the correct forum for this question. To put it in the catfish forum would just get it buried under questions about corydoras cats. More people post on the chit chat forum anyways. Also this question isn't specific it is general. Panther 1505 wasn't even sure if it was the red tailed catfish for red tailed shark, so this would be the correct place to ask.

Anyways, the red tailed catfish is an amazingly large species. You would need a tank that was the size of a pond. These fish eat as much as a member of the family. You can't keep them in a small tank as it would stunt and eventually cruelly torture and kill them. These are really interesting fish but are only for the truly dedicated fish enthusiast who has the room for a huge pet!
i do tend to agree with guppy on this 1 :/

plus the 1st question was

Is a Red Tail Catfish, and a Red Tail Shark the same thing?

as you might well know the Red tailed shark isnt a catfish its a member of the cyprinid family so really falls under a couple of catorgories so best posted here in a mutual catogory
Hmmmm....not a biggy people :rolleyes:

Topics fine here as guppy said rtc and rtbs

and also second part of question about fish outgrowing their tank....

....this seems like the best place to me :thumbs:

www :)

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