Fish you'd like to see less of...

Less of...

Juvi figure 8 puffers sold as "FW Dwarf Puffers" :crazy: saw this this weekend, although was impressed with the rest of the shop, this would stop me buying anything from them.

Any puffer sold with a label that says "Not to be kept with long finned fish", miss out the "long finned" and it would be about right.

I'd like to see less tetras, livebearers (Platies, sword tails, mollies , and guppies to be specific), less bettas, and less unmarked fish. Of course any monsters that require a very large tank and/or get huge shouldn't be sold as much :)
fish bowls!
so few fish can live for any length of time in those little bowls...
and any fish that is artificially dyed painted or trimmed to look different.
I'd mainly like to see fewer fish with an adult size of 12"+ sold. Both my LFSs and my local Walmart stock large numbers of oscars, common plecs, and pacus... as many as they sell, I KNOW not even half of them can be going to a tank that is anywhere near big enough :/
I want to see less of...

common plecos, pacus, pirahnas (sp?), iridescent sharks, livebearers, goldfish, and gars.

I've seen a 2ft IR shark in a 30G tank at a store once. It had several injuries, one eye had turned completely white and milky, and it was house with a few oscars, pacus, and tinfoil barbs that were about 5 inches each, and a 10 inch common pleco. All of that in a 30G!

They also have another 30G that has to have at least 100 common plecos in it. They are all babies though - one inch or less in length. Very tiny things, but there is seriously at least 100 in there. They also have at least 200 tiny feeder goldfish (also 1 inch or less in length), and 3 crayfish that are about 5 inches long, in the same tank as the 100 common plecos. I don't think I have ever seen the back of the tank because of how thick the 'cloud' of fish is in that thing.

Common plecos and goldfish, I think, are the two top trouble fish. They both get huge, are bought more often by beginners than any other fish, yet they are the two most common. I think something should be done about it. It's a serious problem.
You would think keeping 1 large goldfish in a tank in shop might show something to some folks;)

However, I have tried though with the goldfish thing. Take people show them foot long goldfish they insist they will only grow to the size of the tank. You tell them "no it stunts them and their lifespan is shortened.".....I've yet to run into someone who actually cared about that..

The goldfish in my 75 is under a year old (I have a 7 gallon filter on that tank and with the filter cycled to max it *can* hold koi though I prefer not to worry about the power going out). People are so used to seeing goldfish in bowls they think it's a koi (and he is only 6")......

I've seen more people than I care too with koi in fishtanks and the smallest hob they can find...Then they ask why the fish are dying :grr:

Although I hate to say it I'd prefer to not see Oxyleotris Marmorata as often as I do. I never got any useful info when I got them and at one place was even told they eat flakes.
My lfs doesn't ever have a huge amount of them, but i'd like to see less brackish due to the fact hardly anyone ever has brackish fish tanks in the villiage and most brackish at my lfs end up in freshwater tanks...My lfs can specialy order practically any fish and i think brackish fish should be left to special order.
I know this isn't fish, but i like to less fish tanks/bowls under 5gallons...You can't realy put anything other than fry and posibly a betta in anything under a 5gal but lfs always has way too many 5gal and smaller tanks...
chishnfips said:
Do you mean common or sailfin's :/ otherwise, why pleco's in general ? They certainly don't all get huge....
I think its the common pleco there are loads of them in pets at home in inverness.

But I might be well wrong it might not even be a pleco :dunno:

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