Fish You Bought That You Never See


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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Does it put you off them?
I love kuhli loaches and had some once. I thought (for months) they had died but when I did a tank strip they were all there huddled together under a stone. I would never have them again, what is the point! There's also certain plecs I've had that I never see, not even at feeding time. Also my synodontis, hardly ever see them, I had them a couple of years before they would come out to be fed. What fish have you had that you never ever see?
:lol: my snakeheads .. but the only reason i dont see them is cos i dumped so many fake plants in there tank for them to hide in,so my fault, they are happy and healthy so thats all that matters

rarley see my albino BN baby, well i will now as ive stripped the tank of plants,so he`ll only have a few caves to choose from, but i love seeing how much hes grown when he does come scurrying out for food.

how are you Mel ?

shelagh xxxx
Yes I agree about kuhlis. I bought three 5 years ago and never see them except when I do a water change and disturb them with the gravel cleaner. They're as fat as anything now too! They live under the gravel but bet they come out and slither around at night.
i bought a asian bumble bee catfish 3 years ago and i bet ive only seen it 10 times in all that time, i forgot i got it untill a few weeks ago when i stripped my tank and rescaped it lol lovely looking catfish when you do see it
I see all my fish but not all at the same time lol.

I see my kuhlis i have 9 and they pretty much have their own tank as Radish- one of my bettas for the most part just plays in his plants and attacks his refelction.

I've learnt how to sex them now, looks lke i have mostly females.
Bumble Bee Catfish, hardly ever saw it. Stayed within its hidey hole all day and came out at night.
Banjo Cats Again Only ever saw their Eyes, or if feeding in the evening.
A L222 pleco has spent majority of the time in cave within the wood or under the filter. If I'm lucky I will see the occasional tail or a shadow of it moving at night.
I really wanted to buy asian bumblebee cats but when I saw then in the shop there were about 50 hiding under a rock, so I thought meh what's the point lol
Ooh yeah another one - Raphael cats (Striped dora/talking catfish) I had 2 and never saw them so I sold them
I wanted to sell the synos too but ###### they are fast, far too fast to catch, they just hide in tiny hard to reach places and I can't net them but I do really love them, they are colour hybrids and are basically colourless and have little beady black eyes and are hilarious to watch WHEN they bother showing themselves (only at feeding time) but are hilarious look like they've been permanently stunned
Shelagh I am good thank you hope you are too? xxx
asian sun catfish, only came out at night..... i think theres a pattern developing here...... just used to see a shadow of him when it was dark, found out they grow to 18 inches so got rid of him. great looking fish tho
shela how bad is you tank crammed with plants, maybe just thin it out, after all they are a pair,maybe clump some vallis or something in both corners and have some bogwood in the middle...
yes mel i have a plec with i rarely see,had those loaches,same thing dissapeared into the gravel never to be seen again, maybe they died in there or are still alive :unsure:
my horsefaced loach,didn't see him for the first 4 months i had him.then i got up in the middle of the night and there he was,and he had doubled in,over a year and half later i may go a couple days without seeing him.whenever i do see him it always puts a smile on my face,he is such a beautiful fish.
My Clown Plec's ...Forget i have them half the time ...But always put's a smile on my face when i do & My HK Plec's their always stuck to a plant or upside down inside something. Both lovely lil fish but i do wonder why i have them if i can't see them ...Defeats the purpouse really lol
Darn good point and thread - I have a beautiful little dwarf plec which apparently lives almost exclusively on bogwood and who I almost never see.
I worry sometimes that the so-elusive little thing may have died, be sick, starving, since he/she rarely if ever seems to eat anything I put in that tank, (between the pygmy cats and snails, it does disappear, though, so often hard to tell) but the odd flash or frozen moment of view gives the impression he/she IS plumpish and nothing obviously wrong shows in the blur or sections visible...
There are a number of small plecs I'd love to have but wouldn't get, as they'd take up space that I could better use for fish I WOULD be able to frequently enjoy.
In another tank, I do see my female Bristlenose, though, who may not be exotic but of whom I'm very fond.

I had the sort of worm-like striped fish that aren't really Khulis but are sold as such, this being years back, (given away with the tanks I had then when I moved out of town) and they were frequently visible.
Always thought I'd like more of the same kind, and plan on keeping a tank a non-Walstad to have them burrowing aound in, but the places I feel safe buying from don't like to carry them, as they're supposed to be too prone to disease.
They didn't use to be...
But I WOULD get more of those, and probably never see THEM in the heavily planted tank they'd go into.
It wouldn't matter quite so much not often seeing such fish if I could only be sure they'd still be there and OK, when I try an anxious fish-count...
iv a clown loach with the weirdest and best pattern on him but i never see him, he is always hidden up with his mate. i really should post a photo when he comes out.

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