Fish To Go With 2 Dogfish


New Member
Nov 23, 2006
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Does anyone have any ideas of which fish would get along with 2 dogfish? Preferably they would be relatively low maintence. Much appreciated for any advice or infomation.
Does anyone have any ideas of which fish would get along with 2 dogfish? Preferably they would be relatively low maintence. Much appreciated for any advice or infomation.

Maybe a catfish? because that would be really cool, woof woof, meow meow
Naso Tangs :drool: Their large spines would be more than enough defense. In the 500+ gallon tank that Sharks require, you could probably fit a whole shoal of Naso literatus, Naso unicornis, ect. I'm sure other Tangs would work as well.

Triggers and Puffers would also be ideal. A full-grown Coris formosa or similiar large Wrasse would be a very beautiful addition as well.

I'm assuming that you are referring to a small shark as opposed to a dogfaced puffer (some people do however incorrectly refer to these as dogfish). I agree with the idea of large tangs, They can hold there own and they are beautiful, you may also wish to look into venemous fish such as large rabbit fish, and possibly lion fish and scorpion fish, depending on the feeding habits of the sharks urchins and large hermit crabs (such as the giant hermit crab) might be very interesting and safe.
If a Dogfish and a Giant Hermit Crab fought, I would bet my money on the crab. Those things are invincible; but thankfully not cruel spirited. My Hermit Crab, who is the size of an orange, does not kill even tiny fish or shrimp; even when he could grasp them easily. Instead he patiently waits until I feed him dead shrimp; then his anger explodes and he gruesomely annihilates the thing. He's crunched my fingers before too :X it hurts. My crab's big claw is larger than my thumb, and he is very likely capable of far more PSI than I am, even though I'm hundreds of times his weight.

Thank you all for your advice, i'm new to aquariums, (though quickly getting hooked), i've a couple of book on keeping sharks and rays in aquariums, and i would like to give it a try. I'm going to get two very small dogfish to beging with and keep them in 75 UK gallon tank, and then began constructing a much larger tank, after a couple of months. Though dogfish dont require massive tanks because they are bottom dwellers and dont need to be constantly moving. Again thank you very much and i will keep you posted, hopefully and get some pictures up. This is my first forum i have ever been on and i am pleasantly suprised, with the responses.

I like the idea of maybe a hermit crab in there aswell. Tangs require more tropical conditions dont they? Are they difficult to maintain?

Build the big tank first! thousands of fish suffer and die slowly because the big tank that was going to replace there own never got purchased.
I agree. Anything worth having is worth working/waiting for. :good:

Save that 75 gallon for a reef community. :)

i'm starting to think that aswell, as i have just recieved a mail order book on aquarium sharks and rays. I think it is better to make sure everything is set up perfectly first. Because it will minimise the stress. By the way does anyone know any good aquarium shops in the South East of England? prefarably Kent


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