New Member
I know about gold fish and white clouds and that danios are hardy but what else can live in a unheated tank in a room that remains around fluctuates between 69 and 75 deggrees ?
Well, not many. Im sure Guppies wouldnt mind a tank in the mid 70's. But other than that, native Midwestern US fish. Also, you need a big tank for Midwestern fish, and a big tank for Goldfish.
Well, not many. Im sure Guppies wouldnt mind a tank in the mid 70's. But other than that, native Midwestern US fish. Also, you need a big tank for Midwestern fish, and a big tank for Goldfish.
Since when midwestern fish need big tank? You don't know about native fishes...
There are tons of native species that can live in 20gal more than gamefish. Darters, scuplins, mudminnows, shiners, chubs, dace, minnows, stoneroller, topminnows, killifish, mosquitofish, sticklebacks, dwarf sunfish, pirate perch, madtoms and trout-perch are perfect for 20 gal tanks.
Red rosy minnows are another good fish for small tanks. Goodeids likes their water cool.
Not read it, but yes you can . Some people keep them outdoors in summer, even here in Scotland, along with danios.There is an article on this in this months Practical Fishkeeping (UK)
it says u can keep rosey barbs in cold water ???