Fish Tank Stands Help Please


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2007
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Have acquired my dads old 4footer and am looking to get it set up in the next few days/weeks.

One thing I am lacking is a stand or cabinet to put it on. Last time I had a tank I went to Ikea and bought the biggest sturdiest TV cabinet/sideboard thing I could fine. Am looking to do the same again but anyone out there got any pointers on where to get something similar in case Ikea don't have anything?

Its gotta be 48 long and 15 inches wide, have scoured Argos and Ikea's website to no avail.

Allpondsolutions might have a cabinet that fits.

Edit - just had a quick look and I don't think they sell them separately from tanks. Might be worth asking them anyway.

This is the same as I used last time, now according to google and my calculations a 4 foot tank full up weighs an awful lot more than 30kgs ( suggested max weight by Ikea for product ) so am I safe using this idea again or was I just lucky last time that the whole thing didnt collapse in a fishy heap on the floor!

This is the same as I used last time, now according to google and my calculations a 4 foot tank full up weighs an awful lot more than 30kgs ( suggested max weight by Ikea for product ) so am I safe using this idea again or was I just lucky last time that the whole thing didnt collapse in a fishy heap on the floor!

Something like this would fit it
Obviously more expensive(£138, free delivery), but made for the job.

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