Fish Suggestions

Blazer said:
A single Gouami? I know it seems cramped, but Ive seen it done and the fish didnt seem to mind he jsut swam around and ate and swam around and ate and swam aournd and see where im going....But He did the same thigns they do in bigger tanks but in a 8 gal...Just a though.

~dan sure it is a small one!(dwarf) :kana:
Dwarf Gouramies need 10 gallons +
danio2004 said:
Cheese Specialist said:
Nisha said:
My cardinals and rummy-nose tetras do fine in the 6 gallon and I've had them for years with no problems. :D
But shoaling fish need room to swim, and to you know, shoal.

You may be able to psyically fit a fish in a tank but that does not mean that it has the room it needs to swim and grow.

JMO :/
And it doesn't mean that they don't/won't have internal problems as well. :no:
I've had them for about 4 years and they're doing well. They do shoal and swim together quite well and I'm always on top of cleaning and water changes. They've never been sick and are quite healthy.
I guess I've been lucky and having a mature tank really helped. :D
i have a betta in a 5g tank WITH a dwarf FGormai? and they have been in there for a year know and there fine. also have some catfish

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