Fish Stressed First Chem Readings

Ok just finished my 50% water change. Levels are at 0 for Nitrites and Nitrates WooHoo!!!!! What's my next step (besides buying a new heater)? When should I check the Chem levels again, what can i do about the platie that's hiding on the bottom under my log?

Ok just took a closer look at my tank this morning (i'm in Canada) and now notice small white spots on the two platies. I'm guessing this is ICK? I thought they might just be air bubbles last night after the water changes but they are still there today and one of the platies is still hiding. I'm getting a little worried and would hate to lose any fish. Any help would be appreciated.

O dear, problems left and right! So very sorry not to have mentioned that you always unplug a heater if its going to get exposed to air. Its very hard for us to know how detailed to get in our help as many get offended with too much detail. Also, we're all different in the help we give (one of the good things about there being a lot of us!) and I'm not great thinking about tube heaters as I have an inline heater and never have to think about such things! But I should have thought about it for you, so again, apologies!

Now, probably, one of the experts will come along and outline the best approach for your whitespot/ICH problem, right here in the beginner forum, but if not, be sure to post up for help in the "emergencies" section, which is where all the disease queries should start out. The folks over there keep up with the latest, greatest approaches as they change over time. Your whitespot problem may have an impact on how you should proceed, as the introduction of medicines changes what you can do with water changes.

Until you can get medicine in there however, the fact that you've brought both your toxins down near zero is very good for the fish and you can continue to water change to accomplish that (based on feedback from your new kit hopefully) until you receive instruction from the disease folks.

Sorry about the double post. (here and in Emergency) but i'm not getting any feedback there.

I bought a new heater last night along with ICK clear tablets. I put the new heater in and popped in two tablets.
I awoke this morning to one of the platies dead on the bottom.
My nitrate level is below 20ppm and the nitrite levels are below .5ppm. The one platy still has some ICK... it doesn't seem to be as bad as it was. I'm going to do another treatment tonight (24hours) after the first one.
Any thoughts? I think i'm on the right road now.
In terms of treatment and diagnosis might I suggest you make a post in tropical fish emergencies, some very knowledgeable people visit who can give help.

In the mean time keep testing for ammonia and nitrite and change as much water as necessary to keep those readings at zero.

Good luck

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