Fish Room


Bored into leaving
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Somewhere else, as I am banned...
Well, I got to see first hand how CFC was doing with the new fish house,, and help out with the space ship style insulation.





And of course, Nina went and had some fun with the new camera in the old fish house. The pictures aren't the greatest, but then most of the tanks are only lit by a 40-60W bulb in the centre on the ceiling, so light is not exactly ideal...

First up, a true favourite of mine, the gulper catfish. This thing has a nice zippy like mouth and an appetite that reminds me of my frogfish:




Then there is the Jardini aro, looking fine with some amazing colour on the scales. The dorado swam past to try and spoil the shot, but surprisingly enough, there is little blur:


Getting shots of the silver aro, which has grown to truly monstrous proportions, was less simple than the p-bass:


However, we did get some nice shots (occasionally needing food to bribe it). This thing was about 8" when I first saw it a little over a year ago, it is now far longer than 2 feet and must be close to 27" or so (no doubt CFC will correct me). How some people can say that this fish (with probably 6 months fast growth left) can live in a 6x2x2 is beyond me.








Finally, we did get one shot of my favourite aro, the black aro. If this guy gets to a similar size the silver is and keeps anything like his current colours, then it will truly be an amazing fish.



Just noticed on the camera card a shot of my moray in the reef tank coming out to beg for food. Might as well dump the pics here:



Cool, how far from completion is the fish house now CFC or andy? Looks pretty done to me...When the monster tank comes will you be moving all the tanks in at once, or start with these ones you have already before the final tanks come/are ready?
I think two of the tanks are moving next week, after the stands have been built by CFC. They are moving as the tank builders need to get through where they are, then the other tanks are being put in at the end of September?
This fish house is sounding really good (geckos and all), can't wait to see pics of when it's done (hope there will be some! :) ).

That sliver aro sounds like a monster, the gulper catfish slightly bizarre by my standards and amazing. I've always liked dorado too.

Also, nicely done reef, love the idea of the moray begging for food - sounds like a fun fish!
I would be surprised if any tanks are likely to move until the big tank is built and filled. This can't happen until October. Once the inhabitants of the 200 are in the big tank then the 200 can be moved (oh how I am looking forward to that again...) and chain of movements with the empty tank can occur.

The fish house needs the insulation finished off (not a lot now) the electrics connected up and stands made.

After that we can drill all the tanks we need to and put in the filtration system.

It would all be sooner, but I have the honeymoon next week but will put some hours in upon our return.

Very wonderful tank. I like the 2 tanks they look gorgeous.

There are actually 5 different tanks in the pics below ;)
Andy, CFC has to move the Tanganyika and I want to say golecious (I can't remember) tanks, as they block the garage door and the tank builders need to get in for the huge tank.
Aaah, I see what you mean. I would be surprised if they hit the fish house, though I suppose witht he insulation and some electrics up there he could do so. No doubt he will clarify what is left before long.
Wow, thats a sight to see :good:

What are the diamentions of the new fish house?

It's going to be amazing when finished :good:
Those monsters are lovely...The Gulper catfish is awesome, it barely looks real!The reef looks amazing too, I've never seen a moray eel in a fish tank before.

I'll be waiting for the pics of the gigantic tank and the finished fish room :D
Wow, thats a sight to see :good:

What are the diamentions of the new fish house?

It's going to be amazing when finished :good:

The fish house is 24 feet long and 9 feet wide by 7 feet high, aproximately 216 square feet of floor space.

JJ is right i will be moving the Tang tank and the Goslinea tank down into the fish house some time next week as i need to move everything in front of the garage door so that i can bring in the concrete blocks to build the base for the big tank.

I finished all the cuts for the ceiling insulation yesterday and taped up all the remaining joints and will start building the first of the new racks this afternoon after my sit down and a cup of tea. I'll get some pictures of the progress when i finish this evening.

The insulation seems to be working well, last night at 10pm it was still holding the temperature at 21c despite the last two ceiling panels being missing, it did drop over night but at 6am this morning it was still at 16c.

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