Fish/reptile Room Project

i handfeed our 26" rtc at work i dangle rats by their tails :rolleyes:
he is really gentle and not bothered by me at all i can even stroke him
I think the best fish to hand feed is probs a Black ghost knife fish as they are soooooooo tame its unbeleiveable, on work experience in the big display tank i was doing a water change (tank 1000L aprox) and it took all morning to empty half way and when i was doing that the knife fish kept nibbling my fingers and hes 1' long! So gentle like you said about the rtc at wrk.
this is how the room is looking now almost a year later,the only things left to do is get a water supply in there and knock the door in and decorate it a bit





there is only 2 fish tanks and 3 vivs in there atm but im not finished yet,i have another tank exactly the same as the beardies one which im building a rack for at work
tomorrow im getting a pair of royal python hatchlings to go in this
How long do you spend in there? Get a kettle, microwave and a comfy chair and you wont need to use the rest of the house except maybe the bathroom.

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