Pics From The Fish Room

Very nice m8, cant wait to get to work on my fish room, long way away yet though. What is the name of the silver fish with orange an black tail, kinda looks like a Tinfoil with better colouring. I have wanted one of them for a while but cant remember their name (scientific if poss). Not sure I have a big enough tank so want to do some research before I buy one from Pier

Thanks Vinny
Very nice m8, cant wait to get to work on my fish room, long way away yet though. What is the name of the silver fish with orange an black tail, kinda looks like a Tinfoil with better colouring. I have wanted one of them for a while but cant remember their name (scientific if poss). Not sure I have a big enough tank so want to do some research before I buy one from Pier

Thanks Vinny

Its a flagtail prochilodus

excellent fish, have the potential to grow large eat veggie matter and just have loads of character, mine thinks he's a silver dollar and shoals with my shoal of dollars. I got mine from Pier as well
Thanks, I have a feeling if I got one it would probably school with my Tinfoils
Hmmmm where did all those plecs appear from? Flower is darkening up and looking good do you think the black substrate helped with that?
i have been picking up a plec here and there
i have a golden nugget and a peppermint too

nah its been on this black sand since i got it and its only started darkening up recently
he has put on a decent amount of weight too

Stunning fish all round, and the tanks look very good too :D. The first ray pic looks beautiful.
i liked that ray pic too he is digging for buried earthworms
amazing fish room!!!

I especially like your flagtail its a beauty. what are the shoaling fish that look like piike cichlids
those fish are peacock bass
the 2 in the 300g are temensis and the 6 small ones in the 100g are occelaris

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