Fish Photos

Great appistogrammas, and all of those are pretty nice tetras :good: . I know what you mean about the danios, mine would always zip around just as I snapped the picture. :angry:
Also, those full tank shots are absolutely PERFECT :hyper: and we will definitely use at least one. Beautiful tank, I hope mine looks like that when I start actually keeping plants. I've always found them a bit of a trouble, but I'm planning to do them in earnest, they make a tank look so nice.
Which makes me realize, some close-ups of cool plants like java moss could be great.
The chinese algae eater could be used as well.
Any more pictures?
Great appistogrammas, and all of those are pretty nice tetras :good: . I know what you mean about the danios, mine would always zip around just as I snapped the picture. :angry:
Also, those full tank shots are absolutely PERFECT :hyper: and we will definitely use at least one. Beautiful tank, I hope mine looks like that when I start actually keeping plants. I've always found them a bit of a trouble, but I'm planning to do them in earnest, they make a tank look so nice.
Which makes me realize, some close-ups of cool plants like java moss could be great.
The chinese algae eater could be used as well.
Any more pictures?
Also, if anyone thinks that they might get the book when it is finished, please contact me. :good:
Sorry about not being able to get pics of my fish but now I really can't as I only have 3 left these were the ones with the least symptoms. The rest (13 fish) died of actually not ich but true fungus I didn't even know what that was until some lady at my LFS told me today when I showed her my dead fish. 5 died today 2 yesterday 3 before that. 2 same day last week one of which I think caused the infection.
Sorry about not being able to get pics of my fish but now I really can't as I only have 3 left these were the ones with the least symptoms. The rest (13 fish) died of actually not ich but true fungus I didn't even know what that was until some lady at my LFS told me today when I showed her my dead fish. 5 died today 2 yesterday 3 before that. 2 same day last week one of which I think caused the infection.
I feel so bad for the fish... :sad:
Are you sure it was true fungus, since that generally only occurs on wounded or bacterially-infected fish? Or could it have actually been mouth fungus?
So do I and I thought it was ich until last night so the meds weren't working so basically I was just standing there watching them die. I bought new meds this morning for the remaining 3 and for the tank as a whole.
The only full tank shots I have at the moment. I'm setting up a fish room and I'm in the process of tearing all my tanks down and moving them.

Great full tank shots everyone!
Poor fish, however they died. :sad: I hope the 3 you have left get better.
Now it's 2.
Sounds like a pretty bad case of it. I remember that right after I started fish-keeping, I introduced an ich-carrying swordtail to my tank. I ended up with columnaris and ich (notably, some of it was the color of velvet, if I recall correctly) and it killed a bulldog pleco, one out of four zebra danios, and the swordtail. I used to be a terrible fish-keeper. :/
I loved the remaining danios... particularly the one that I had for a full two and a half years, who got himself into a fight with a female betta. Bad idea if you want both eyes. Of course, he also never poked at a fish again. The others, a few months earlier, had gotten old, their spines bent, and they died. But I suppose that's what happens with old fish, though.
Can you put fish with bettas? And it is bad but it looks like my remaining 2 are already getting better. The Molly looked like she only has ich and the pleco definitely has velvet and true fungus.

May look into bettas when restocking my 29 gallon. 1 female 1 male or 1 female. Can you put multiple females together?
Can you put fish with bettas? And it is bad but it looks like my remaining 2 are already getting better. The Molly looked like she only has ich and the pleco definitely has velvet and true fungus.

May look into bettas when restocking my 29 gallon. 1 female 1 male or 1 female. Can you put multiple females together?

You can put most fish with bettas, unless they are long-finned males with fin-nipping species, or other long-finned fish, or other anabantoids. The danio with the betta was with 3 females - I wouldn't recommend keeping females together unless you have at least 3-4. I think you could keep males and females together in a 29, but definitely get more like 4-6 females if you plan to do that. And if a pair forms, there's going to be serious aggression problems. I would stay away from mixing males and females at all.
Could I just stick 1 male in my community tank?

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