Fish Photos

I want a mister bristlenose....but can't seem to find out.
Petco started selling albinos (and normals) for really cheap... but you have to get the normal color if you don't want them to be stunted. :grr: One of those things you only figure out through experience.
I love those killifish - there are so many great pictures coming up, I'm going to have to add more species!
I want a mister bristlenose....but can't seem to find out.
Petco started selling albinos (and normals) for really cheap... but you have to get the normal color if you don't want them to be stunted. :grr: One of those things you only figure out through experience.
Why is that? I bought mine from petco when she was about an inch long. Why would they be stunted albinos and non stunted normals?
I want a mister bristlenose....but can't seem to find out.
Petco started selling albinos (and normals) for really cheap... but you have to get the normal color if you don't want them to be stunted. :grr: One of those things you only figure out through experience.
Why is that? I bought mine from petco when she was about an inch long. Why would they be stunted albinos and non stunted normals?
I don't know, but I had one of each and a tank I helped to design has a normal, the normals grew but I don't think my albino, which was smaller than the rest (only about 1.5," the others were more like 2.5") when I got it, grew none at all. The others got a bit longer and their bristles grew like crazy but my albino never grew old enough that I could even tell its gender.
Here's a young raphael catfish, if you wish.

That is perfect, we'll definitely use it. So many cories, too, we'll probably have tons of pictures in catfish section.
You know, I've always wondered how to tell if a Raphael cat has dropsy, since they've got spiky scales and are a bit chubby. They say it's harder with pearl scale goldfish, too.
That brings me to another point: does anyone have pictures of diseased fish? Hopefully that's a no, but if you have any sick fish or got pictures from before, then please post those.
How about fish with ich I could try to get some pics if you want but may not work.
How about fish with ich I could try to get some pics if you want but may not work.
Fish with ich is great (or at least, the pictures will be helpful, it's not that great when you're dealing with it) - any disease with visible symptoms can be used in the book. Are they old pictures or do your fish have it now - if they do, I hope they recover quickly, it's such an annoying disease.
Your welcome to use some of mine-

Black Ruby Barb- these are really fun to watch- they just spend the entire day chasing each other and the males colour up beatifully, they look quite drab in the shops and even the females have a surprising amount of pearling on their scales (some more then others) Every now and again you catch one thats flipped its self over- not sure why they do it but somethimes I've spotted them swimming up side down for short periods soddly if i come near they think they're gettting fed and stop ;p



Bleeding Heart Tetra-

this guys particularly red for some reason

a mixture of black rubies and bleeding hearts


they're not as good as some of the others but you might find a use for them
You know, I've always wondered how to tell if a Raphael cat has dropsy, since they've got spiky scales and are a bit chubby.

They don't have scales at all, actually. They're only chubby if they eat too much. It's tricky, but you gotta try not to overfeed them, cause they never stop eating. Normally, their bellies are nice and flat like a pleco, but they'll eat and eat till they can't even move anymore :crazy:
Oh, right, they're catfish. Armor, not scales. I guess I somehow forgot. By chubby, I mean that they are rather over all round, like on their sides. Judging by pictures and stories, people also tend to overfeed them.
Your welcome to use some of mine-

Black Ruby Barb- these are really fun to watch- they just spend the entire day chasing each other and the males colour up beatifully, they look quite drab in the shops and even the females have a surprising amount of pearling on their scales (some more then others) Every now and again you catch one thats flipped its self over- not sure why they do it but somethimes I've spotted them swimming up side down for short periods soddly if i come near they think they're gettting fed and stop ;p



Bleeding Heart Tetra-

this guys particularly red for some reason

a mixture of black rubies and bleeding hearts


they're not as good as some of the others but you might find a use for them
Nice decor :)
I'm dealing with the ich right now but sorry my camera wasn't good enough for the spots to be visible. I'm sorry.
I'm dealing with the ich right now but sorry my camera wasn't good enough for the spots to be visible. I'm sorry.
That's okay, maybe we can do illustrations instead of photographs. It's so often difficult to get clear pictures of tiny velvet spots or minuscule gill flukes.
Is that all for photos, or are there more? Some full tank shots are what we need most, but also really common species. Anyone have zebra danios?
tank shots
if need be i can clean up the glass a bit, tanks only got a wk of growth on it and newly setup (mature filters)


ember tetra

apistogramma cacatuoides



if needed ill try get a decent shot of a neon tetra, there fairly new in the tank tho so fast and flighty.

Are you after copy right over these pics or that remains with the photographer?
Heres some, dont know if there any good but it took me ages to take them so you better be happy! lol :good:
(tried to get danio, and celestial pearl danio but are way too fast :( )

Neons, since no one else has got them on yet!


Black widow



Serpae Tetra


I can get a yellow Chinese algae eater if you want?

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