I have had a couple of these guys. Very pretty fish but not one I would recommend if you want an active fish you are going to see all the time.
I have had a red and a purple one, both behave exactly the same way. Unfortunately I lost both of them (had each for maybe just over a year) for no known reason (they where there one day, gone the next). Also these fish WILL jump so a cover over your tank is a must.
Some people say you should keep these as a pair or in a group, others say a group will fight and you need to keep only one. Personally I have only ever kept one at a time.
They are generally easy to feed and will take everything from flake to frozen and live foods.
I have found with mine they tend to stay very close to their "home" (they tend to pick a hole in the rockwork, normally close to the substrate). My first firefish picked a hole at the back of the tank so I only ever saw it when I fed them.
My second fire fish in its first tank (150l) was very active and often swimming openly in the water column. However after we moved I upgraded to a 100g tank and it was never the same after that. It would spend most of its time in the rockwork and rarely come out into the open. After a few months he suddenly just died.