Fish Killed


New Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Crap last night one of my fish must have killed this guy, Can you tell me what fish could hve done this to him? this is the type that was killed ( small blue guys) Small blue ones anyways I have in 2 gold CAE and a black skirt and some swordtails i wonder what one got him. I still have one left and I am getting plants very soon today but I dont want to lose the last small blue one and he already has some fin damage now from bites.
Just one question: Is your tank cycled? If so, what are the current ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH readings?

Those are Guppies.

Probably swordtails or the black skirt.

What is your set-up? Size, how long you have had it for, etc..

Black Skirts, like all Tetras, are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 6+.
I would hesitantly guess at the CAE as these guys are notorious fish killers as they mature. However normally they go for more round bodied fish like dwarf gouramis etc.
Okay thanks guys for the reply, I have 29 gallon tank with some swordtails platies guppies neons and a black skirt and 2 bottom feeders CAE. The black skirt is on his own >< I had two in the tank but they fought until one died from an injury. I have had the 29 gallon tank setup for only a week or so. They were in a 5 gallon before.

Sorry forgot the readings, High PH 7.6. 0 ammonia. .50 nitrites. I am going to do a large cleaning today.
It seems to me that maybe not the fish killed each other, but the high nitrites present in the tank.

What test kit are you using to get these readings?

Any reading in ammonia and/or nitrite above .25 ppm will cause permanent damage to the fish, and if a fish is exposed to those high levels, the fish will most likely perish.

Did you transfer all the filter media over to this new tank? Did you upgrade the filter so that it would handle the larger volume of water?

Seems to me you are in the middle of a fish-in cycle, where water changes are absolutely necessary to keep your fish in good health and from dying. If ammonia and/or nitrite go over .25 ppm, an immediate water change is in order to drop those levels back down below .25 ppm. You will have to continue water changes until your ammonia and nitrite readings remain at 0 ppm.

Thanks man for the reply. I am kind of new to fish and yeah I did not change the water for the last 5 days. I guess its my fault they died :( I will try learn from this and do my best to keep them in a happy healthy tank.
You're welcome.

Here, read this:

Watched your video you have some very cool fish :) my filter is kind of crap I wonder if my aqua-tech ez change filter can keep p to my 29 gallon tank
Watched your video you have some very cool fish :) my filter is kind of crap I wonder if my aqua-tech ez change filter can keep p to my 29 gallon tank

Thanks for your pm. What did you add to the tank yesterday?
Do you have the 30-60 filter? Im not familiar with them myself (im assuming now that you're in the states), but tbh a better filter would be a good idea, long term. Dont disturb it at the moment tho, it may be holding some beneficial bacteria.

Have you bought a test kit yet?
well I had it tested and just the nitrites are out of control, the rest are okay. I added stability to the tank its is to help get good bacteria started. But again today I have a new problem. My pregnant platty looks like it broke it's back. It has a curve in the spine and it does not move its back fin, its still alive i put him in a cleaner tank but it looks like he will be dead soon >< it still swam to the top to eat however, when its swimming normally its almost pointing his head vertical.
well I had it tested and just the nitrites are out of control, the rest are okay. I added stability to the tank its is to help get good bacteria started. But again today I have a new problem. My pregnant platty looks like it broke it's back. It has a curve in the spine and it does not move its back fin, its still alive i put him in a cleaner tank but it looks like he will be dead soon >< it still swam to the top to eat however, when its swimming normally its almost pointing his head vertical.

ive heard of this, but dont know what it is, i dont know if its swimbladder or something else. hoping Wilder will be on soon, he'll know.

we really do need to know the water stats - its very important if you want the fish to survive! have you done a full water change?
PH 7.4 Ammonia 0 Nitrites .50 but I am doing daily changes now and using stuff to add bio filter to the tank
PH 7.4 Ammonia 0 Nitrites .50 but I am doing daily changes now and using stuff to add bio filter to the tank

nitrites need to be zero (or at least less than 0.25!) if your fish have any hope of staying alive without being poisoned. its as simple as that. you're going to have to change your water regularly (sometimes daily changes are required when doing a fish-in cycle).
You need to get a big bottle of water dechlorinator, and be prepared for lots of work over the next few weeks. I did it with a bigger tank than yours, for 3 weeks i did daily then every other day 80% water changes, and didnt lose a single fish. You need to do the same. If thats too much for you, and you do care about the fish, then you need to take them back to the pet shop.
yeah i have no problem doing the changes, I have changed over 50% of the tank today over 2 changes (i need a bigger bucket) how large should my changes be?

also today when i got my water tested I picked up some plants and made sure to have lots of healthy tank water in them. So I added the water from that with my last change.

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