Alright I came home form work at Taco Bell to find all my goldfish had succumed to Ick!! I do not know what else was the factor that sentenced them to an untimley death. Nitrite levels: 0 Ammonia Levels: 0 pH: 7.2 Water was hard, but Goldfish love hard water. My medicines were administered properly and on time every day for the last two days. I added the correct amout of salt to their tank too....Nothing helped! I am so sad it is not even funny. This is the fourth tank full of fish I have lost in three months! All to Ick! I even cycle the tank for a week between each new batch of fish...and I only add 2 or three and a time!! I loved those Goldfish, but I don't know what I should do to prevent this damned Ick thing and make it go away for good! Any suggestions???