Fish Crazy
So there was post about Gars...far be it for me to rain on someone's pet keeping wants and needs. But I wonder about the ethics of keeping large predatory pets at home...yes I know if one is wealthy enough one can have a literal private zoo of exotics.... In terms of fish keeping it's pretty easy to find cute small fish in the 2-3" in range only to have them become family BBQ meal sized in a few years. I'm thinking SA Pacus, Sturgeons, gars etc....To me the real problem is when the pet Pacu becomes too large the owner may have recourse but to dump it in a local lake....It's happen here in SF. One lake even has a bin for people to put their unwanted pets.....This is a hard issue cuz we all want the cool, unique pet, hey I'm a guy and I understand. At one point I was hoping to adopt a St Bernard, Lilly...why cuz I wanted a dog and loved the idea of being the guy on the block with a Saint Bernard what street ced eh?..spouse quashed that idea pretty quickly. One hates to have more govt regs...but sometimes...thoughts and comments?