BTW, you can always add a different media to a filter for the benefit of the biofilter. It won't capture the bits in the water properly, but it will process ammonia. Aquarists starting new tanks with mature tanks always steal some media from the established tank to speed up the process. Of course, an 8 day old filter isn't exactly mature, so it's not a big concern.
In my own case, in about a week, I'll be stocking my 110 gallon tank with about 20 bloodfin tetras. Sounds like a lot, right? Not really. I have a fully stocked 56 gallon tank at home (ironically it has the exact same media for the filters) and I can take 1/3 of the media and be 'instantly' cycled for about 3/4 of the initial stock. The rest of the cycling process will be done "fish-in". I'll be testing the water daily and completing any water changes necessary. But, honestly, I'm not expecting to need to do any, because of the huge volume of water compared to the initial stock. I will also be monitoring my established tank, but again, I don't expect any issues. I have two filters running on that tank, and taking roughly half the media from that tank shouldn't cause a problem. I'll do my standard water change the next day anyway, just to be safe, but there should be no trace of ammonia in either tank.