HM Dragon Devil
Fish Fanatic
Todays results:
Recap. It is now day 28 since starting my fish-in cycle with TSS and there's been no nitrite whatsoever, scientifically it makes no sense.
No3 is the end product of nitrification, bacteria converts the ammo > no2 > no3, so without nitrItes there
should be no nitrAtes (other than what is from the tap).
I'm still changing 20l of water every 2-3 days to avoid ammonia & nitrate overload. After using TSS I honestly believe "instant cycling" products can cause some very odd occurrences which are beyond rational understanding.
The cycle continues.

Recap. It is now day 28 since starting my fish-in cycle with TSS and there's been no nitrite whatsoever, scientifically it makes no sense.
No3 is the end product of nitrification, bacteria converts the ammo > no2 > no3, so without nitrItes there
should be no nitrAtes (other than what is from the tap).
I'm still changing 20l of water every 2-3 days to avoid ammonia & nitrate overload. After using TSS I honestly believe "instant cycling" products can cause some very odd occurrences which are beyond rational understanding.
The cycle continues.