Fish Identification Game

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See nice and easy! Extra points if you can tell me if he's a boy which I suspect or female :p 
You win eagles!
I'm going to go with a male... dorsal fin is pointed.

It's beautiful! Apistogramma cacatuoides? 
Typical, the first fish I've recognised in about 5 pages and I get beaten by seconds! :rolleyes:
Indeed, it is.
(Sorry Daize.)
daizeUK said:
Typical, the first fish I've recognised in about 5 pages and I get beaten by seconds!
So sorry daize! I have been researching apistos, kribensis and rams before taking the plunge with rams. 
You take a turn. Is that ok with everyone? I pass my turn on to daize :)
Go for it miss Daize

@ eagles - me was being silly.

And yes, NC guppy would have won but TBH I would have let TOS go first.
You have never been silly - TT.
Alright - then I will throw in a really easy one! ;)
Yup a female swordtail - but why is your answer edited? :)
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