Fish Identification Game

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Yes it is, what makes you say that?
This is tricky. Can you give us a clue please? :)

the_lock_man said:
Unlikely. It's a male.
Woops, well, it just has that look about it. The eyes. The tail. The stomach. Looks like an exotic platy.
Erm, how do you give a meaningful clue, without giving it away? It's from Mexico?
Look at the anal fin. I told you it was male.
The clue is that he wants this fish pretty badly.

Redtail Splitfin.
Yeah I would. Problem is that, like many of this genus, they can be a bit unpredictable in a community setting, they can be particularly antagonistic towards cories, yet some people claim no issues at all. My smaller tank is a little too small for a pair, although it is planted enough to control the nitrate, so I'm half-wondering about pushing the boundaries.
So it seems reading up on it. Even though it's a small fish it seems to be a bit active. Perhaps it's time to give into MTS and get a species only tank for it? :p
DreamertK said:
So it seems reading up on it. Even though it's a small fish it seems to be a bit active. Perhaps it's time to give into MTS and get a species only tank for it?

That was very presumptuous of you, not waiting for confirmation.
But yes, you are right, redtail splitfin, aka redtail goodeid or orangetail goodeid.
For the uninitiated, gooedids are livebearers, the males do not have a gonopodium. If you look carefully at the photo, you will see the anal fan is shaped like a child's mitten, the "thumb" part is called the andropodium, and serves the same purpose as the poecilid gonopodium. Females have an organ which functions much like the placenta in mammals, which nurtures the fry.
Re the MTS, I do have two tanks, and have been banned by my good lady wife from any further additions.
And I haven't the foggiest about your one.
It looks like some sort of Arowana but with the less pronounced upturned mouth!
You didn't confirm me the first reply, I wasn't expecting the biology lesson. It is informative though.
fm1978 said:
It looks like some sort of Arowana but with the less pronounced upturned mouth!
Theres the clue. :p My gouramis are looking at them with the same mouths.
It looks rather like a paradise fish. I know it's probably not though.
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