Fish Identification Game V4

Doh! I thought it would take a bit longer than that! hehe well done, you've got it

Looove that fish, never owned them though.
Same here, would love to own one but no room for a tank big enough :(
OK, easy one.

Scientific and common please :)
Peacock bass, cichla ocellaris
My LFS has one of these in, poor fella was brought in by someone who didn't have a big enough tank for him.
mmm I think they will - they don't stock any of the tank buster species, the only ones they have in are "rescues" including common plecs, etc.
Correct Alm0stAwesome(correction - Always Awesome ;) ) :lol:
Your go. Yeah, they get sold as babies for community tanks and they just grow and grow and grow and eat...
oooh, flattery! I like it, haha :D
Here we go:

A face only a mother could love

Both names please!
Well you are awesome :p
Erm... It's a puffer... I know that much so far... Or more, that's all my brain is letting me know so far but I've seen the image before XD
tetraodon baileyi! I love these guys! So good looking1
derps offline so ill go

scientific and common and yes i know this ones easy...
tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum
also known as black pacu, black-finned pacu, giant pacu, cachama, gamitana, and just plain pacu.

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