Fish Identification Game V4


L-Number/Latin and Common.
For the fun - approx retail price also ;)
Sorry took so long - on phone!
Longfin Albino Bristlenose Pleco?
Ancistrus sp
probably isn't but its worth a shot
wrightt3 said:
Longfin Albino Bristlenose Pleco?
Ancistrus sp
probably isn't but its worth a shot
Nope good guess though!
I know what it is but I don't have one ready so I wouldn't be able to post a picture :(
OK, I got one.
That is a Albino Acanthicus adonis - Albino Adonis Plecostomus - L155 and I reckon it retails at approx. £45-65?
I'l post mine if I'm right lol.
Correct! Although retail at the moment I had at around £140 :p
Ah, way out then XD I was going off the price of the normals which is about £45 in boyfriends shop so I only added a bit to it because of it being albino but should have expected that XD
Here's mine :) Latin/scientific and common please :)
Perhaps you could give a clue? I still wouldn't even know where to begin looking but it may help someone else.

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